How to Soothe Sensitive Skin?

Como Acalmar a Pele Sensível?

If your skin can be more sensitive than a baby's, showing redness and inflammation, then you (definitely) need to continue reading this article.

Unfortunately, the pollution we are subject to and the bad habits that we still see ingrained in our routine are greatly weakening our hair and skin. Having said that, and because in situations like this we can make use of beauty products that contain some truly heavenly ingredients, it is important to remember that the first step is to use ingredients that have a lipid profile similar to that of our skin: butter, oils Vegetables, sea water and minerals are essential for the care of sensitive skin, as they provide large amounts of trace elements that end up fading in episodes of eczema and peeling.

Harmful factors

Experts say that there are some factors that can affect the health of our skin, such as heat, tea, coffee, alcohol, spicy foods and also dairy products, chocolate and gluten. Therefore, it is extremely important that we try to write down what we eat in a notebook every day, so that we can understand and discover what is triggering dermatological problems.

And if having very delicate and sensitive skin can pose a problem, then any additional disturbance will make things even worse. Some exfoliants can leave the skin even more irritated, and it is exactly for this reason that it is important to carry out correct cleaning with a machine designed for this purpose, which ensures that everything that belongs to the field of impurities is definitively eliminated. After this, you must start using a moisturizing and repairing cream daily, which helps to overcome and reduce all this sensitivity.

How to calm the symptoms?

No matter how carefully we monitor our cosmetics, our skin routine or our diet: skin that is sensitive by nature suffers, in the overwhelming majority of cases, for no apparent reason. Therefore, in this case, what we should do is use cold water and a soft cloth to clean our face, then apply a cold compress to reduce the heat. An interesting trick is also to use decaffeinated green tea instead of water. In the end, when we feel that our skin has somehow calmed down, we can use aloe vera oil or a light hydrocortisone cream to reduce redness.

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