Hibiscus and Orange Cold Tea

This drink is a middle ground between tea and juice, it does not have any sugar in its composition and is still quite tasty due to the presence of cinnamon and anise. A quick recipe to make that results in a very practical and visually attractive tea.


1 liter of water;

1 tablespoon of hibiscus leaves or 2 hibiscus tea bags;

½ orange cut into slices;

Juice of ½ orange;

2 cinnamon sticks;

2 star anise flowers.

Preparation method:

At the bottom of a jug, place the hibiscus leaves, cinnamon and anise;

Boil the water and pour it into the jug;

Leave to cool (you can put it in the fridge to speed up the process) and then add the orange juice and orange slices;

Serve or reserve in the refrigerator, but consume on the same day.

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