Heat Proof. This is the makeup that lasts all day

It's not just our wardrobe that begs for major changes when warmer days arrive to take over our lives. Makeup joins in for a true summer update . High temperatures arise and bring with them countless questions on the topic of beauty: after all, what are the secrets to long-lasting make-up ?

The first step is to opt for more natural and light makeup, in order to reduce the likelihood of products melting on your face. However, in addition to opting for subtlety, we can also make use of a set of tricks that help maintain makeup well (even under 40 degrees!).

Use lightweight formulas.

First of all, we should choose lighter formulas, especially for face products. For example, instead of your usual foundation, which sometimes has high coverage, try a BB cream . There are many on the market capable of giving us a more natural look .

Use waterproof makeup.

Waterproof products will always be essential, because they are more resistant and do not tolerate the concept of “smudging”. When we think of this category, the first mental image will (predictably) be mascara, but the truth is that waterproof formulas are present in other items besides that, namely in some foundations.

Use a primer .

Primer , like the holy grail of any self-respecting makeup kit. Whether it's your face, eyes or lips, your goal is always the same: to leave your skin brighter (or shine-free) and prepared to receive the foundation, prolonging its duration.

Prefer cream formulas.

Swap powder products for cream formulas whenever possible. This is because they adhere better to the skin, work well with heat (they don't get soggy) and, consequently, give us a beautiful appearance for longer.

Remove excess shine.

When shine appears on the skin, remove the excess with a thin tissue or wipes to remove excess oil from the skin. Then, simply apply a little powder to the T-zone. There is a tendency to apply more makeup to the upper area, but this is a mistake that leads to the skin having several layers of product and even more shine.

Always have thermal water on hand.

Finally, last but not least : always carry a bottle of thermal water in your purse. Spray your face mid-morning and mid-afternoon, et voilà ! The skin is revitalized and the face is refreshed.

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