Avoid Abuses at the Table This Christmas Season

Contorne os Abusos à Mesa Nesta Quadra Natalícia

You've just weighed yourself and (surprise!) you didn't find the result you expected on the scale... You're not alone. We know that, at this time, concerns related to food double significantly. We commit excesses, we cannot resist sweets and we believe that we have the right to refuse to comply with some rules to the detriment of some moments of pleasure, while tasting the typical cuisine of the season.

According to nutritionist Catarina Sofia Correia, partner at the Fitness Hut gym, getting around this trend may be easier than we imagine. Read on to find out how you can do it.

Avoid processed foods.

Foods with excess sugar or saturated fats should be avoided as much as possible. Sauces and sausages are common on family tables, but the best decision is to give up these types of food options, as they are the factors leading to weight gain. Prefer natural foods.

Eat slowly and consciously.

We know that there are foods that make us eager to snack, but the truth is that the easiest way to stay healthy is to slow down your intake during meals. There are several studies that prove that eating slowly can give the stomach enough time to send the hormonal signal to the brain, informing it that it is full – and this is what will prevent us from overeating. This makes it much easier to maintain greater control over the amounts of food we eat. On the other hand, it is advisable to avoid eating with distractions close to you, such as a television, cell phone or tablet , since those who eat distractedly end up eating too much, as they are unable to pay attention to their body's signals. Eat in a conscious and sustainable way. Remember that with a healthy diet, almost everything is under control. Therefore, take care of your emotions and avoid eating too much food during main meals. A hint? Use smaller plates or do not repeat the meal more than once.

Be more moderate.

Every day, prepare a lighter breakfast and lunch to make up for your “sins”. Your best weapon will be moderation, enjoying healthy and nutritious dishes.

Choose the right snacks .

Purchase as little sugary foods as possible for your home, so as not to run the risk of consuming them in excess. Opt for mixtures of nuts, seeds, dehydrated fruits and even raw vegetables, for example.

Choose carefully the drinks that accompany your meals.

During meals, alcohol, soft drinks and other juices are part of every table. These drinks may contribute a high amount of sugar and calories to your diet, which may promote weight gain. Furthermore, alcohol consumption is often associated with increased appetite (a risk factor for weight gain). If you have committed excesses in this regard, now give preference to water and teas. Hydrate yourself.

Avoid stress .

When we are stressed, our cortisol levels increase. High levels of this hormone can cause weight gain, as they make you want to eat more. To avoid stress , plan your meals in advance, define your recipes and decide what you will or will not eat according to what will be available.

Have a proactive attitude.

A sedentary lifestyle contributes to weight gain. Do some type of activity with your family (walks or outdoor games, for example).

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