Salmon Ceviche

Here is a simple salmon ceviche recipe. Easy to prepare and tasty.


Frozen salmon steak;

Shallots (or red onion/regular onion);


cherry tomato;


Mango (optional);

Pepper and salt;


Preparation method:

Cut the frozen salmon into cubes and place it in a bowl;

Cut the shallots into small slices and mix in the bowl, involving with the salmon;

Cut the peppers (red and green) into small strips and place in the bowl and cut the cherry tomato into 4 parts (use the tomato juice to add it too);

Add the mango, which gives the ceviche a sweet taste, but without filling the bowl (some people add avocado too);

After everything is mixed (without making any mush, just mixing the ingredients together) season with plenty of lemon. You need to make a whitish juice in the bowl, this is what will cook the ceviche. Add salt and pepper to taste. At the end, add a drizzle of olive oil. Let it cook for an hour.

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