Gratitude: the Key to Being Healthier

There is a key element capable of having an incredibly positive impact on our behavior, our emotional outlook and even our physical and mental health: gratitude.

Imagine living in a dimension where the solution to the stress you experience daily would be nothing more, nothing less, than feeling deeply grateful for everything good that exists in your life. This reality exists. Practicing gratitude as a permanent mental state can bring countless benefits to our health.

As a rule, people who practice this “positive psychology” tend to have habits such as:

1. Take better care of your physical and mental health;

2. Exercise regularly;

3. Follow a healthier diet;

4. Deal better with daily challenges;

5. Feel happier and more optimistic;

6. Have stronger immune systems;

7. Maintain a clearer vision of the future.

However, the truth is that, in order to achieve this state of mind, we must really be attentive to everything we have and transform, as far as possible, the negative into positive.

Why be grateful?

Surprisingly, gratitude can be considered more valuable than a diet. In other words, no matter how well you eat, you won't be able to get the best out of a meal if your mood reaches high levels of stress and anxiety, without you feeling happy and grateful for the immense possibilities of your reality.

Is it worth our lives orbiting around exemplary nutrition without being mentally balanced? Regardless of the answer, the objective will not be to paraphrase this question, in such a way that a commitment to healthy eating habits is devalued – the important thing is, on the other hand, to add joy and gratitude to what we put on the plate.

This practice is closely related to mindful eating . Our attitude defines the existence of gratitude towards the external world. It's not the amount of things we have, but rather the way we feel about what we have that can make a difference.

Thank you for returning to the present

Smells, sounds (or silence), landscapes. Take a deep breath and observe what is around you. What makes you feel good? Often, bringing our awareness to the space around us allows us to be grateful for the simplest things.

The practice of self-love is a powerful tool for transforming our lives. So, every morning when you wake up, try thinking about three things you are grateful for. Frederica presents you with the menu of the day: gratitude for life and hope for moments of glory. Shall we share this meal?

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