Eight Essential Tips to Combat Sunburn

Did you leave the beach with that uncomfortable burning sensation? Did you take a shower and couldn't stand the water on your skin? Is the discomfort of clothes on your body unbearable? It's official: you can welcome your sunbath.

Summer has arrived and with it comes what can be considered one of the biggest dangers for the skin. Sunburn is our worst enemy and it is important that you treat it as soon as possible, rehydrating your skin, so that it does not suffer significant consequences, whether in terms of premature aging or other, even more serious, levels.

If sunscreen isn't part of your beauty routine, hurry up and change your mind. Before going to the beach, always apply a moisturizer with protection against UV rays, at least one hour before sun exposure. Sometimes, all it takes is going to the water too often or applying sunscreen just once to end up with a more burned area on your body. And that's not your goal at all, right?

During sun exposure, the protector blocks the most aggressive rays and prevents the skin from scalding. To do this, you need to use it properly, applying it every two hours and whenever you take a shower or sweat. Use two fingers of product for each area of ​​the body and one finger of product on the face. If using a spray sunscreen, apply six sprays to the body and spread evenly.

Say "goodbye" to sunburn and "hello" to tanned skin with the help of some fundamental tips.

Moisturize your skin.

Moisturizing creams are a valuable aid, as they help to regenerate the skin (believe me, they will be your best friends!). If you can, opt for a refreshing after sun or lotions with aloe vera extracts. On the other hand, do not over-apply the product with the idea that the more you apply, the faster the skin will heal. Excessive layers of moisturizer can trap heat within the skin. Give your dermis some time and don't try to speed up the healing process.

Drink water.

Pay attention to possible signs of dehydration: dry mouth, thirst, headache, dizziness and drowsiness. Drink lots of water to keep your body temperature down and stay hydrated.

Be careful with the temperature of the bath water .

The ideal is to take a quick shower, with a mild temperature. Avoid clothing that is too tight and hot and do not stay in spaces that are too hot. Remember that you must be comfortable.

Avoid excessive sun exposure during the hottest times .

According to the General Directorate of Health, we should avoid sun exposure from 11 am to 5 pm. It is at this time that UV rays are most dangerous, being harmful to the health of our skin. Pay extra attention and care by using a sunscreen for your face and body.

Use refreshing products.

There are specific products available in pharmacies to relieve pain in the area affected by the sunburn.

Continue to protect your skin from the Sun.

In the days following the burn, give preference to the shade. If your vacation has already come to an end in your case, know that sun protection in everyday life is essential. Believe that, even in disguise, the Sun is present and will not hesitate to do its thing again. Reinforce the application of sunscreen in the days after sunburn.

Take an antioxidant supplement.

This tip is, above all, preventive. There are several dietary supplements recommended for taking in the hot season, functioning as an antioxidant booster and reducing the skin's sensitivity to the Sun.
Treating from the inside out, these supplements are generally rich in vitamin E and beta-carotene or derivatives, to make the skin more resistant to sun exposure. The skin tans more easily, is more protected and healthier. Purchase the Frederica Tan Activator supplement through this link .

Seek help .

Do not hesitate to contact a doctor, through Saúde 24, if it worsens substantially.

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