Good Face Effect — Look Beautiful Even Without Makeup

We all want radiant skin on all levels. Increasing our natural beauty and increasing our radiance exponentially may seem like an arduous task (which requires a thousand and one products, understand), but the truth is that we can see this “larger than life desire” fulfilled, without having to make use of an infinite myriad of cosmetics.

“But is it really possible to look fresh and cared for without wearing makeup?” This is the question that will most likely be echoing in your mind. Yes, it is possible to wake up more beautiful and get rid of powders and brushes to let our skin breathe.

It all starts with cleansing the skin, which we must do daily, at night, before going to bed, as this is a crucial step to eliminate all the impurities that we acquire throughout the day. However, the list does not end there. Keep reading to find out which tips Frederica should put into practice – now – so that when you look in the mirror in the morning you can feel truly purified.

Exfoliate your skin.

Eliminating dead skin and activating blood circulation on the surface: this is why exfoliation is so important. There are several options for natural exfoliants if you want to give your wallet a rest. Mix sugar and olive oil and use this combination to exfoliate your face and mouth. Then, just rinse.

Practice physical exercise.

When we look at someone who trains regularly, we can almost always detect an extra glow that cannot be explained in words (no, we are not talking about sweat!). What we want to show you is that this vitality and state of mind make you feel better and, consequently, naturally more beautiful, without you needing to wear makeup.

Take care of your lips.

Exfoliating your lips (with sugar and honey, for example) in addition to allowing better blood circulation, will make them appear fuller and pinker. Always keep them hydrated with a lip balm.

Stay hydrated.

Using an antioxidant serum helps boost your natural glow, even when you're not wearing makeup. Choose skincare products that stimulate the regeneration of your complexion, use a moisturizing cream (one for the day, another for the night) and drink lots of water every day. Need a key tip? Try using retinol.

Take care of your eyelashes and eyebrows.

Even without a mask, it is possible to achieve a more open and awake look. Use an eyelash curler and, at the same time, don't neglect the frame of your face: your eyebrows. Always brush them upwards to make them look thicker and use a fixative to keep them intact all day.

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