Fresh, Fresh, Baby. The Secret to Clear, Revitalized Skin

Fresh, Fresh, Baby. O Segredo Para Uma Pele Limpa e Revitalizada

Need a more valid reason than a new decade to start a supreme-level beauty routine? On this new journey, everything What we want is to feel natural, shiny and, above all, everything, clean .

Healthy, firmer skin with greater flexibility are the requirements to achieve a more well-groomed appearance. Whether it's through miracle ingredients, a rose quartz roller or a clay mask to refine your skin, the important thing is to ensure you look radiant every day.

The first step? Wash your face properly.

It may seem like a straightforwardly simple task, but a Deep washing of the skin is the key to keeping it sufficiently hydrated. One effective cleaning, removing daily residues that clog pores, is the principle foundation to give your complexion an extra glow. If you notice, when your skin ends After being washed, your beauty products penetrate much better. This wants say that they will have much more effect this way.

The cold water, despite giving us a feeling of greater freshness as soon as we have just woken up, is not the best option to carry out effective removal of dirt. It is best to always use warm water, as Too hot a temperature can irritate and dry your skin. If you wash the face with water at a mild temperature, you will be able to preserve your skin more effectively. Deepens the natural moisturizing oils of your dermis.

It is worth remembering that anyone with skin type drier, you should avoid cleaning products designed to remove oils that can dry the skin even more. In this case, the solution involves resorting to the use of gentler products that combine ingredients suited to the needs of cleaning and hydration.

On the other hand, oily skin types can use foam cleansers which, as a rule, have a low pH level, something that softens the washing of natural substances from the skin. This last point is crucial, since if we opt for solutions that balance the skin's pH, we will be able to reduce the possible growth of less good bacteria, responsible for pimples and other problems.

How to remove makeup without harming the environment?

Beauty and sustainability increasingly go hand in hand. Have you ever thought about how many makeup remover pads you use per month? Most of the products we use when removing makeup are harmful to the environment, as their production and ingredients cause negative effects on various ecosystems.

The use of wipes (composed of polyester, polypropylene, cotton, wood pulp and artificial silk fibers), as well as the application of makeup remover pads, are two of the most traditional ways of removing makeup. In fact, both methods are negative for the environment, as they quickly become waste, ending up polluting rivers, seas and soil.

However, several alternatives have appeared on the market that offer biodegradable and reusable products. Do you want to have a more conscious attitude? There are alternatives to reduce the amount of plastic and cotton in your beauty routine, namely:

Crochet discs.

Crochet discs, also called ecopads , are made from cotton, but do not have synthetic dyeing. Thus, its texture allows you to clean your face without damaging it. If you want to save money, go online and learn how to make them through tutorials. After use, wash the discs and reuse them as many times as you want.

Reusable bamboo discs.

You can use one side to remove makeup and the other to apply toner. Unlike cotton pads, these pads do not contain chemicals that are harmful to your skin.

Towel discs.

In the same way that crochet or bamboo discs can be a great solution, towel fabric discs are another valid alternative. You can also make them at home: just cut bath fabric towels into a circular shape.

Make-up remover towels.

If you want a product that allows you to clean off more makeup, try makeup remover towels, which are made from a smart fiber. Just use water to remove all residue from the skin. After many days of use, wash it with a neutral soap and let it dry in the sun.

Frederica reusable cottons.

They make your day a lot easier every day, they are reusable and organic. These cottons protect our skin and are completely ecological. The biggest advantage is the fact that you don't need to buy the traditional cotton found on the market and which harms the environment much more environment.

Daily hydration, a step not to be skipped.

Moisturizers help nourish our skin and keep it looking well-groomed. There are some that stimulate blood circulation and help promote collagen, something that reduces expression lines and early wrinkles.

Use sunscreen, even in winter.

Regardless of the season, sunscreen is – and will always be – essential to prevent unwanted facial blemishes and discoloration, preventing premature aging and helping to fight free radicals which contribute to a more tired appearance. Always have it with you and ensure a fresh appearance, every day.

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