Foxy Eyes: the Makeup Trend that Lifts the Look

Foxy eyes . This is the name of the eye makeup trend that Bella Hadid and Kendall Jenner can't do without and that promises to lengthen your look with an exotic and natural touch.

Who doesn't want a slit-eyed effect with their makeup? This trend is perfect to wear every day and it's not impossible to pull it off. But between “cat” eyeliner and sophisticated smokey eyes, how will we be able to replicate the impeccable looks of the international models we most admire?

As with almost all makeup trends, foxy eyes can have as discreet an effect as we wish, but they can also have a more intense and deeper effect.

This technique works almost like a lifting effect for the eyes. However, no needles – just brushes. Prepare your makeup bag and follow the steps below.

Before you start:

First of all, you will need an eyebrow brush, eyeshadow in different shades of brown and black, blending brushes, eyeliner and mascara.

Step 1

It is truly crucial that you start by preparing your face before any task. Moisturize it, using a moisturizing cream and a primer .

Afterwards, it is important to perfect the entire eye area, before moving on to the eyes themselves. Therefore, the next step focuses on filling in gaps in the eyebrows (if any) with an eyebrow pencil. Next, it is important that, for an instant lifting effect, you comb the eyebrow hair upwards, with the help of the brush. At the end, you can apply a fixing gel, so that they remain intact for hours.

Step 2

Try placing some tape below your eye, marking the line you want to follow and where you will make it. This is so you can have a better perception of the area that needs makeup, to create the illusion of lengthening.

The important thing with this type of makeup is to leave the mobile eyelid as clean as possible, unlike what we should do with the outer corners of both eyes. Using a very fluid brush, start by using a light brown shadow to mark the eye (in the area where we usually apply external eyeliner ) and lengthen the line.

Once this step is complete, take a slightly darker tone and highlight the line a little more, making the same horizontal movements.

Step 3

And we reached the decisive moment: making the outline. To obtain a more natural result, simply use a small brush and, with a dark brown or black eyeshadow, create a kind of thinner and longer «cat's eye», until the end of the lash line.

If you want more intensity, after this step, reinforce that same line with a swipe of liquid eyeliner .

To finish, add a little highlighter to the top of your cheekbones. Et voilà ! We achieve a deep and hyper-exotic look, adaptable to all faces.

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