Four Rituals With Flowers to Attract Love and Good Energy

There is something inherently magical about flowers. As they grow and blossom, they remind us of the cycles of life, as well as the transformations we go through along our individual path.

It is common knowledge that flowers have meanings. The ancient Japanese took this symbolism and elevated it to the highest point, developing the art of the secret floral language. Through color and other characteristics, this language can be used to convey messages as broad as purity, passion, love, empathy, etc.

Each flower has its own energy, carrying within it various metaphysical teachings. The entire existence that surrounds us carries an energetic code and the same happens with these elements of Nature, which concentrate vibrations that can merge with our personal vibratory pattern, changing some aspects of our consciousness and life experience (thought waves). , emotional states, etc.).

The subtlety of a flower's energy, when combined with a clear intention deposited in a crystal, for example, is intensified and can bring positive changes to our lives.

Thinking about the finiteness of things and the passing of cycles can trigger some sadness, but it can also, on the other hand, show how we should enjoy the beautiful moments that life has to give us. Everything passes and everything ends one day, but there will always be more flowers to beautify the future.

With the month of love over, and with spring on the horizon, Uterqué challenges us to share “good moments of gratitude”, with purpose, “giving thanks for what we have and invoking love”. Below, find out about four rituals with flowers that you can do to attract love and good energy into your life.


Creating an altar with flowers can help you make transformations in your daily life, with the intention of releasing what needs to be released or attracting love. Choose flowers with red, orange or yellow petals, which represent fire, and whose fragrance can represent air. Light some white candles to boost your energy.

Moon phases

Flower life cycles and lunar cycles are similar. Therefore, you can use flowers in different phases of the Moon to honor its different phases. A flower in bloom honors the celebratory energy of the Full Moon. A dried flower or the petals of a withered flower can honor the liberating energy of the waning Moon. For a flower moon ritual, place your flower (or seeds) in a circle, to represent the cyclical nature of the moon. Place a white candle in the center of the circle to represent moonlight.

B anho

Add flower petals to your next bath ritual or prepare flower water to wash your face first thing in the morning during the next lunar phase to support whatever your magical intention is. You can select flowers by color associations. For example, red rose petals would be an excellent option to awaken your facial cleanser full of vitality and love, as roses represent romanticism and sensuality. Sprigs of purple lavender can represent spiritual power and magic.
Another way to choose flowers is to do so with your own personal associations in mind. Surrender your intention to the Universe and it will take care of the rest.


When composing arrangements with natural flowers, there are no fixed rules that limit your creativity. You can choose a single type of flower or group different textures and colors, each with its own vibrations. This is also a wonderful opportunity to share your personal intentions with friends. Connect with the fertile and creative energy of the Earth and express your creativity, as this can be a true exercise in calm and tranquility. In Japan, there is an art dedicated to making flower arrangements, Ikebana , which consists of creating a harmonious composition between shape, rhythm and color.

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