Four Important Lessons to Keep Your Skin Hydrated in Summer

Quatro Lições de Peso Para Manter a Pele Hidratada no Verão

Protecting the skin from the Sun and contamination requires us to have a facial care strategy that is as rigorous as the needs of each skin type. However, there are some points that should never fail. Continue reading to find out which ones.


It is important to start by applying micellar water or a cleansing gel, cream or foam. Cream textures are, as a rule, more aimed at dry skin and gel textures, on the other hand, are specifically created for oily skin. Use a toner to ensure a uniform appearance and also to soothe and revitalize the skin, sealing this first phase in the best possible way. If you want an even deeper cleansing effect, don't forget to use a skin cleansing machine, like the Foreo , for example (if you don't already have yours, find out about the models we have available in our online store ).

Hydration and treatment

Hydrate and treat: the most important step to achieving radiant summer skin. And since this is a truly essential moment, it is advisable that it lasts a few minutes, almost as if it were part of a meditative ritual. Can you imagine? Hydrating doesn't have to be a tedious task.

Start with a layer of moisturizing lotion, to prepare the skin and improve product absorption, allowing all its nutrients to penetrate deeply into all layers of the dermis.

If your skin is prone to developing any type of irritation or redness, choose to use an appropriate elixir to combat these issues, especially as they can worsen after more intense sun exposure. Choose to apply this product with a gesture equivalent to the gestures you make when writing on the computer, gently tapping the skin with your fingertips, passing the contour of the face and also the T-zone, with several touches, ending with light pressure.

Solar protection

After completing the previous steps, it is very important that you have a moisturizing cream with a sun protection factor on hand. There are some products of this type, specially designed to protect the skin in urban or natural environments, and these are characterized by incorporating a series of filters that protect not only from different types of radiation, but also from pollution.

In addition to all this, drinking two liters of water a day – at least – is also on the list when it comes to hydration. Although our body is made up of around 65% water, drinking eight glasses of this drink, with or without lemon, is important. However, there is no sufficiently conclusive evidence about its positive effect directly on our skin, other than the fact that it is one of the best vehicles for transporting oxygen and nutrients, at the same time “watering” the largest organ in the body.

We can summarize a moisturizing treatment for our skin in two essential steps: the first consists of avoiding irritating or dehydrating agents that could alter the lipid layer; the second, in turn, focuses on providing you with moisturizing agents, in cream or mask format.

Hyaluronic acid, your best friend

The cosmetics that help hydrate your face the most are based on formulas that contain some type of glycolic acid, which function as skin renewing elements, making the skin appear more cared for. Some antioxidants, such as vitamin C, for example, are responsible for neutralizing skin oxidation, promoting, at the same time, a luminous and hydrated appearance.

Hyaluronic acid, in turn, is one of the best molecules for hydrating, although it does not go beyond the skin barrier, remaining only in its most superficial layer. This acid also has an enormous capacity to capture water, providing an immediate boost of hydration.

It is very important that you try to avoid using very hot water, as this will make the skin more irritated, causing greater dehydration. Prefer to use cold water, which produces vasoconstriction (contraction of blood vessels), improving skin microcirculation. To finish, just apply a moisturizer and let its compounds do the rest.

The best thing we can do for our skin is to treat it: first, applying sun protection, as exposure to the Sun causes blemishes and worsens the barrier function; second, using products that renew and hydrate; and, finally, making use of antioxidant agents that combat the daily damage caused by stress and pollution. None of these three tips, however, exempt us from drinking a lot of water. Your body will love it and so will your skin.

Article adapted from Vogue Spain.

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