Four Crystals to Keep Under Your Pillow While You Sleep

Quatro Cristais Para Ter Debaixo da Almofada Enquanto Dorme

There is no exact science to enjoying a perfect night's sleep, but there are things that can help you sleep better. It's no secret that a deep sleep of seven to eight hours is essential to stay healthy and fit. Tossing and turning in bed, unable to fall asleep, leads to fatigue, problems with concentration and irritation in the morning. And no one wants to start the day off on the wrong foot, right?

There are countless different methods for getting a peaceful night's sleep – reading a book, drinking tea or taking a hot bath. However, there is something you can add to this list: crystals. Crystal therapy is an alternative medicine technique in which different types of crystals are used to heal the body and mind. They hold their own energy frequencies and, having them close to us, directly influences our energy field: some not only alter our emotional well-being, but can also heal certain physical issues.

So, if you thought you had already tried everything to end insomnia, know that keeping some crystals under your pillow while you sleep could be what will help you improve the quality of your rest. Below, we reveal the four stones you should choose for this moment. 3,2,1... activate sleep mode!


Used to connect with spirituality and to facilitate feelings of calm and inner peace, angelite is commonly used to try to overcome insomnia. Place it under your pillow and ask your guardian angels for guidance messages before you fall asleep, so you can receive the messages while you sleep.

Smoky Quartz

Smoky quartz is a foundation stone. It's great for manifesting all your hopes and dreams during sleep (it's said that we can heal our life and improve it while we sleep, as we balance energy and connect to something higher). This crystal is known to help calm the mind and help us fall asleep more quickly.


This is one of the gentlest healing crystals ever, thanks to its powerful force of cleansing the aura and external energies, promoting calm and balance and bringing mental clarity. One of its greatest qualities is the fact that it can transmute stagnant vibrations and blockages that we somatize throughout the day.

If you are looking for a mineral that instantly cleanses your energy and makes you feel good, selenite is your best choice. Place it under your pillow to cleanse your aura and realign your chakras while you sleep. You will wake up much more centered and balanced.

Selenite is also known to vibrate at a high frequency, bringing a sense of peace and calm while removing negative energy. It is often used in meditation due to its mystical healing properties. Having it in your room can help create a peaceful atmosphere, removing all tensions and worries.

Purchase this crystal through this link .


Amethyst is a protective stone that provides relief from stress and anxiety. This crystal helps calm your mind and provide quality sleep at night, interacting with your spirit on a higher level. As a result, you will have more pleasant and intuitive dreams.

Amethyst connects you to your intuition and subconscious. Try placing it under your pillow to amplify its effects. Keep a dream journal by your bed to try to record where your mind goes.

Purchase this crystal through this link .

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