Four Benefits of Coconut Water

In recent years, coconut water has been everywhere. Its benefits are several: it is a rich source of potassium and electrolytes, it is an excellent moisturizer and has a huge amount of antioxidants. What distinguishes it from normal water is the fact that it contains calories and sugar, but what exactly does this miracle drink consist of?

About coconut water

Coconut water is the clear liquid found inside green coconuts (coconut milk, on the other hand, is a mixture of coconut water and shredded coconut). More than 95% of coconut water is just water, containing elements such as potassium, sodium, magnesium and phosphorus in its composition.

The best ways to use coconut water

An interesting tip to enjoy the night and enjoy the benefits of coconut water is to replace the soda or water in cocktails with some of this extract. Due to its almost neutral and slightly sweet flavor, it goes well with fruits such as strawberries, grapefruit and pineapple.

Despite containing natural sugar, this water is low in calories and full of nutrients, suppressing your appetite. Try adding spices like cinnamon, fresh mint leaves, ginger, sea salt and black salt and combine it with lemon juice to turn it into an antioxidant-rich elixir and protect the body from free radical damage during the bathing season.

Four main benefits

1. Source of antioxidants

Drinking coconut water improves skin hydration, reduces oiliness and combats premature skin aging. This liquid contains antioxidants that help neutralize oxidative stress and free radicals generated by physical exercise.

The presence of vitamin C and the amino acid arginine in coconut water enable it to reduce the harmful effects of free radicals to which we are exposed daily, helping to delay premature aging. Look for fresh coconut water for the highest levels of antioxidants.

2. Deep hydration

With high hydrating power, coconut water is capable of replenishing the human body with water and electrolytes excreted through sweat and urinary losses. These minerals are very important for the human body as they play several important roles in its functioning, including maintaining proper fluid balance.

Since it hydrates the body, this drink also reduces discomfort. Store the coconut in the refrigerator and consume it within two to three weeks of purchase. Use this tropical liquid in place of plain water whenever you want to add a little natural sweetness to your preparations.

3. Keeps your heart healthy

Amino acids are essential for tissue repair and are the building blocks of proteins. Coconut water is one of the main sources of arginine, an amino acid that helps the body respond to stress and keep the heart healthy.

4. Reduces tiredness

This water has the ability to reduce fatigue and anxiety. We become dehydrated when we feel thirsty, something that causes a slowdown in the body's functions and brain activities. Result: we feel more physically and mentally tired. Because it is rich in magnesium and potassium, this water helps to reduce that feeling of tiredness and stress .

Sources: The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, Medical News Today and Healthline

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