Five Ideas to Live a Happier Christmas Season in 2021

Hot chocolate, lights in the city, Christmas trees and enchanted decorations in the living rooms. Christmas has always been like this – and will continue to be.

Thinking about the most festive time of the year taking into account the new context in which we find ourselves can seem difficult. So, how about we try to maintain the Christmas magic in a new way?

In essence, it doesn't matter what traditions or rituals you usually have every year around this time: we will all be in the same boat, trying to discover everything we can do to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ safely.

Are we going to make room for new customs, never tried before? Discover our ideas below.


Following all social distancing rules, you can take a walk through the streets of your neighborhood to enjoy the twinkling lights that illuminate it, as well as all the festive decorations that make it even more beautiful. Our suggestion? Do it in the car! It's the best way to feel safe, while enjoying a true entry into the Christmas Universe. And if you want to turn this experience into an even more unforgettable moment, gather your favorite Christmas songs and the tastiest hot chocolate to accompany you on this little trip.


Following the previous tip, we will certainly have reminded you of the importance of having the right music with you at all times. And if there is a season that calls for this criterion, it is Christmas. Think about your favorite Christmas songs: is it Mariah Carey's All I Want For Christmas Is You ? Santa Tell Me , by Ariana Grande? Or the iconic Last Christmas theme, by Wham? If you like these three, perfect. Add them to your 2021 Christmas playlist and, if possible, make this playlist collaborative, so that your friends can also add their favorite songs and, thus, bring together all your favorite songs in a single list. Listen to the same music at the same time – even from a distance. So, even if they are not physically present, it is as if they were. Remember that creating the magic is in your hands.


This Christmas, how about trying that dish you always wanted to make, but never took the time and dedication for?

You can prepare a vegetarian dish for the first time or simply make traditional Christmas cookies to give to your closest family. Choose a red wine that you like and prepare a tasty Christmas cocktail to complement the moment.

Sometimes we are so busy that we don't even realize that we need to slow down in order to be more effective in everything we do. Now might be the right time to prioritize your kitchen activity and give free rein to your imagination – especially if you've never done it before. Take advantage and, perhaps, this habit will become a tradition in the festivities of the coming years.


Sending a Christmas ornament to the people you care about most is something that will bring a little extra joy to anyone who receives it.

This small gesture will make those closest to you remember you fondly. Plus, there's nothing like the joy of decorating your Christmas tree and looking at all the decorations you've accumulated over the years.

Gift your friends and family with a special ornament, so that when they look at the Christmas decorations in their homes, they have a little of your good energy nearby.


Can you imagine yourself among the flour and eggs, humming the great musical icons of Christmas? Choose your favorite Christmas cookie recipe and, as soon as you have a weekend to spare, put on your favorite apron and take advantage of the moment to prepare your own cookies . In addition to being truly mindful , it will sweeten your days a little and automatically get you into the Christmas spirit and banish any feelings of sadness that may arise.

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