Five Hair Masks You Can Prepare at Home

Homemade skin and hair care recipes have never been so prominent. And at a time when every opportunity to save your wallet and save on household expenses counts, why not prepare our natural beauty products ourselves?

Creating your own hair mask is a quick and effective way to provide your hair with countless benefits – in less than 20 minutes. And the truth is that the ingredients we find in Mother Nature are the best to deeply nourish our hair.

We present you five masks that you can prepare in your kitchen, so that when your quarantine ends and, finally, you go out, you have smooth and even shinier hair than before.

Mask to stimulate growth


Cinnamon and coconut oil.

Cinnamon stimulates circulation and helps promote hair strength and growth. Coconut oil, in turn, repairs the break.

How to make:

Mix 1 tablespoon of cinnamon with 1 tablespoon of coconut oil to form a paste;

Separate the hair into different areas, applying this mixture to the roots and scalp with each new separation;

Massage the scalp for 5 minutes and then let it rest for another 45;

Rinse well and then wash gently to avoid irritating the stimulated scalp.

Mask to hydrate normal hair


Honey, egg and coconut oil.

Honey and coconut oil control moisture in your hair, while healthy egg proteins condition and hydrate it.

How to make:

Mix 1 teaspoon of honey and 2 teaspoons of coconut oil with 1 egg;

Separate the hair into four sections; bottom left, bottom right, top left and top right;

Take thin strands and use your fingers to gently comb the mask from mid-length to length, concentrating an extra mixture in the lower area;

After applying the mask, tie the four sections of hair into a medium-length bun and put on a shower cap. Leave it on for 25 minutes, rinse and wash your hair normally.

Mask to nourish dry hair


Honey, olive oil and Greek yogurt.

The antioxidants found in extra virgin olive oil promote a healthy scalp and new hair growth. The proteins and beneficial vitamins in Greek yogurt help repair and strengthen hair.

How to make:

Place 2 tablespoons of yogurt in a small bowl;

Gently heat 1 tablespoon of honey and 1 tablespoon of olive oil in a small pan. Pour the mixture over the Greek yogurt and stir until completely mixed;

Apply mainly to the ends and massage the scalp to stimulate circulation;

Let it stay for 30-45 minutes and rinse.

Mask to purify and exfoliate the scalp


Sugar, coconut oil and peppermint oil.

Sugar exfoliates dead skin cells present on the scalp, while coconut oil provides hydration and peppermint oil soothes.

How to make:

Mix 2 tablespoons of coconut oil with 5 drops of peppermint oil and 4 teaspoons of sugar;

After washing, apply to damp hair. After distributing the mixture evenly, use your fingers to massage your scalp for 3 minutes;

Let it stay for another 3 minutes and then rinse.

Smoothing and smoothing mask


Avocado, egg and olive oil.

Rich in amino acids, avocado is able to coat and soften the structure of the hair shaft. The nutrients in the egg help increase shine and the olive oil preserves moisture.

How to make:

Mix 1/2 avocado with 1 egg and 1 tablespoon of olive oil;

Apply to wet hair, especially the ends;

Put on a shower cap;

To help activate the ingredients, use the hot air from the dryer on hair protected with a shower cap for 10 minutes;

Leave the mask on for another 30 minutes, then rinse and wash.

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