Understand How Essential Oils Can Change Your Life

We all have our own story and, behind each one of them, there is a sweet aroma that represents us and takes us back to those memories. And these aromas almost always come from what the Earth offers us. Today, the gift we are talking about goes far beyond a simple smell.

True wonders of Nature, essential oils have become an important solution to face the main challenges that the modern lifestyle poses to us, offering countless restorative properties to our body, mind and spirit. But what makes them so special?

There are oils for almost everything we can imagine: to treat more psychological issues, not so physical, such as anxiety and stress ; to eliminate headaches; to stop digestive problems; to cure allergies; to eliminate nasal congestion; to care for skin and hair. The possibilities are extensive – and that's exactly what makes the world of essential oils even more interesting to explore.

Often used in aromatherapy and beyond, essential oils are compounds extracted from plants that capture their aroma and flavor, giving each oil its characteristic essence. Once extracted, the aromatics are combined with a carrier oil to create a ready-to-use product. Therefore, the way oils are produced is important, as essential oils obtained through chemical processes are not considered true.

Powerful tools to induce relaxation, not only thanks to the calming aromas of bergamot or lavender, for example, these essences also remind us of the importance of knowing how to breathe. And even if you consider it unnecessary for something to remind you of this vital process, the truth is that it deserves our attention and is fundamental to taking our health to another level.


Essential oils are most often used in the practice of aromatherapy, in which they are inhaled primarily through three methods: through smell, direct absorption into the skin, or through normal digestive processes.

We can breathe in the scent of the oil through a personal inhaler, which usually includes floating drops of essential oil in hot water, but we can also breathe in its scent using a room diffuser to spread it through the air. Placing drops on a tissue or cotton pad is also another way of directly inhaling the product.

On the other hand, we can apply the diluted product to the skin. To do this, we must dilute it in a carrier oil (coconut, almond or avocado) before applying it to the skin.

Before using your essential oil, keep the following tips in mind:

  • Always use a carrier oil when topically applying essential oils;
  • Always do a test before applying the oil to your skin;
  • Buy 100% pure essential oils.
  • Never take essential oils by mouth unless told to do so by a healthcare professional, as many are toxic.

Inhaling the aromas of essential oils can stimulate areas of the limbic system (responsible for emotions, behavior, smell and memory), something that may explain, in part, why certain smells are familiar to us.

Some studies carried out within the scope of aromatherapy have shown that the smell of some essential oils could work together with traditional therapy to treat issues related to anxiety, insomnia and stress . However, their benefits don't stop there, as they can be used inside and outside the home (as natural mosquito repellents, disinfectants or even to make cosmetics), and are also used for typically medicinal purposes.


Coconut oil

In summer, we are more exposed to the Sun and, as such, our skin can burn. In this case, coconut oil is the most natural after-sun you can find and it is very effective. It contains saturated fats, something that has a healing moisturizing effect, soothing burnt skin and helping to reduce inflammation.

Coconut oil is also one of the best hair masks. Leaves hair shiny, smooth and healthy. Before washing your hair, apply the oil the night before to the ends. The next morning, wash your hair to remove all traces. You can also massage your scalp to improve circulation, hair growth and combat dandruff.

For your skin, you can forget about moisturizers full of chemical ingredients and switch to coconut oil now. It works wonderfully on the skin and can be applied to all types. Its antioxidant properties prevent premature aging, reducing the appearance of wrinkles, and are also very effective in treating diseases such as eczema, psoriasis and dermatitis. And if you need a good makeup remover, you can also use this product. A true multifunction.

Other properties of coconut oil:

  • It is antibacterial;
  • It is antifungal;
  • It is rich in vitamin D, E, proteins and other nutrients essential for the skin and health.

Ginger essential oil

Ginger essential oil is known for having a warm and energizing aroma. Formerly used in India and China, it is now found throughout the world and is nicknamed the “Oil of Empowerment” thanks to the feeling of confidence it is known to inspire.

Known for its stimulating and warming effects, this oil can increase concentration, while soothing and reducing feelings of stress , sadness, anxiety and fatigue.

Its detoxifying and digestive properties facilitate the elimination of toxins and, thanks to its analgesic nature, it is known to calm and reduce pain and inflammation, thus benefiting problems such as headaches, back pain and even menstrual cramps.

Main benefits:

  • It is digestive and reduces nausea;
  • Relieves muscular and menstrual pain, rheumatism or fatigue;
  • It is a natural aphrodisiac;
  • By stimulating and improving circulation, it is known to increase hair growth.

Add a few drops to a massage or cosmetic oil and then massage into the skin.
In a diffuser, it provides feelings of self-confidence. It can be inhaled and used in compresses. Add a drop to your favorite meal or drink.

Lavender essential oil

The name “lavender” is believed to be derived from the Latin word “lavare”, which means “to wash”, as it is often used in baths and on clothing, thanks to its fragrant properties. With a calming, physically and emotionally balanced fragrance, it is widely used to provide relaxing effects on the body.

When used in aromatherapy, lavender essential oil reduces stress by relaxing brain waves, while supporting the immune system, providing relief from symptoms of agitation that can make health more fragile.

Due to its calming and relaxing properties, it can help those suffering from insomnia to have more peaceful nights.

Main benefits:

  • Prevents and combats acne, psoriasis and alopecia;
  • Powerful antioxidant;
  • Very relaxing for the body and mind, reducing anxiety and stress , promoting more peaceful sleep;
  • Relieves headaches and menstrual pain.

Add a few drops to a massage or cosmetic oil and then massage into the skin. When applied to the diffuser, it creates a relaxing atmosphere.

Lemon essential oil

Lemon essential oil has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for thousands of years to treat a wide range of health problems. It is known for relieving mental exhaustion, improving cognitive function and concentration, and is therefore widespread in workplaces to improve professionals' focus and efficiency.

Invigorating and purifying, this oil, when used in aromatherapy, can reduce flu and soothe throat infections, promoting easier breathing for people with respiratory problems by clearing the nasal passages.

When diffused indoors, it eliminates toxins in the air and on surfaces, while promoting a feeling of improved mood and revitalization. To alleviate allergies, combine it with lavender and peppermint oils and rub the mixture on the bottoms of your feet and behind your neck daily.

Main benefits:

  • It is a natural disinfectant;
  • Clears nasal passages and increases energy levels;
  • Elevates mood and improves concentration.

Add a few drops to a massage or cosmetic oil and then massage into the skin, avoiding exposing the skin to the Sun due to photosensitivity.
It can be applied to a diffuser to create a purifying atmosphere, or it can be added to natural homemade scented candles.

Eucalyptus essential oil

Eucalyptus began to be used in Chinese, Greek and European medicine thanks to its incredible disinfectant properties. Its active components make eucalyptus essential oil a purifying product, which is also capable of protecting the immune system.

It facilitates breathing, provides a feeling of relaxation and refreshment, when used in massages. Its healing benefits are due to its anti-inflammatory, decongestant, antiseptic and antibacterial qualities. When used in aromatherapy, its refreshing aroma relieves mental exhaustion, increasing circulation to the brain and rejuvenating the spirit. Those who suffer from nasal congestion can diffuse this oil in their bedroom at night to clear the nasal passages and eliminate airborne bacteria that contribute to feelings of discomfort.

A few drops of this invigorating oil placed on the hand while bathing can be inhaled to promote a feeling of vitality. It is also used to relieve discomfort associated with fatigue, headaches and muscle pain.

Main benefits:

  • Relieves respiratory system problems;
  • Decongests and relieves coughs and/or colds;
  • Relax and refresh.

Add a few drops to a massage or cosmetic oil and then massage into the skin.

Cinnamon essential oil (bark)

Cinnamon is one of the oldest and most valuable spices in the world. Today, it is used in the form of spices, herbs, powders and tea to treat emotional and physical illnesses, such as depression, respiratory and digestive problems or even menstrual cramps.

In aromatherapy, cinnamon bark essential oil is known to reduce feelings of depression and exhaustion, relaxing the body and stimulating libido, being considered by many an effective natural aphrodisiac.

When diffused throughout the house, its perfume leaves the space refreshed, emitting a calming fragrance. This oil can also strengthen our immunity levels and give us more energy.

Main benefits:

  • It is a powerful antifungal, antibacterial and antiviral;
  • It stimulates the immune system and is effective against arthritis and pain in general.

Add a few drops to a massage or cosmetic oil and then massage into the skin. You can also add a drop to your favorite meal or drink.

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