End of Vacation, Return to Work. Tips for a Good Rentrée

The end of summer (and vacations) will never be something we deal with cheerfully. Returning to work, responsibilities and long days (full of challenges!) can increase stress and leave us feeling somewhat fearful.

Therefore, we leave you with some tips, so that this rentrée happens with more enthusiasm.

Take time for yourself .

Despite the eight hours of work, the household chores, the attention that the family also deserves and so many other things that we have to take care of, it is crucial that we dedicate time to ourselves and do what we enjoy and that makes us feel refreshed.

Discover what gives you the most pleasure doing, whether it's watching an episode of a series, reading the book you promised to read months ago or researching in depth about that subject that interests you so much.

Believe me: you don't need to spend more than 30/40 minutes, and you will definitely feel like you are taking care of yourself and enjoying your day with something that brings you positive thoughts.

Get organized .

Is your mental availability for other personal responsibilities in the morning, or do you prefer to take care of everything in the afternoon? Establish the hours and days of the week when you will (really) take care of all these duties and take advantage of the rest to take care of yourself.

This way, not only will you have more time for those you love most, you will also feel like you will be able to disconnect from the world “without guilt”.

Without well-being, success is hardly achievable .

Your well-being should be one of your highest priorities, as it not only affects you, but also those around you. The holidays are over, but leisure time, as well as your happiness, is not! Even though it's impossible to escape what we least like to do and deal with, make an effort to filter out the things that lead to less good feelings and give more importance to what makes you feel good and safe. This way, your stress and anxiety levels will decrease.

Feed your friendships .

We always have more time for our friends during the holidays, we are less overloaded with work, our schedules coincide better and we feel happier to share moments with those who love us well.

However, it is important to maintain this friendly relationship throughout the rest of the year, whether through a call, or even over a coffee. Talking, venting and exchanging different points of view can help you stay lighter.

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