Make Your Own Edible Mask

Yes, you read that right. Let's talk about masks you can eat. You may not be able to go to the spa , but that can't be an excuse to stop taking care of yourself. Go to the fridge or your pantry and check if you have everything you need to make some homemade masks. The recipes we are going to present to you are the purest and most natural there is!

Many women purchase beauty masks that are expensive and contain several ingredients that can be harmful to their health. Light some candles, put on some ambient music and, after preparing one of these recipes, relax. Choose, below, which facial mask is best for you.

Raspberry, lemon, chia and coconut facial rejuvenation mask (for dry skin)

If your skin is dry, this natural treatment allows you to exfoliate, hydrate and shine your face. Lemon and raspberries are the perfect ingredients to even out skin tone as they are rich in hydroxy acids. Furthermore, as they are rich in vitamin C and A, they brighten your complexion.

In turn, chia is essential for exfoliating and removing dead cells. So, after this homemade mask, the best thing is to hydrate your dermis and nothing better than the power of coconut for that.


10 raspberries;

1 tablespoon of lemon juice;

1 tablespoon of fresh, organic coconut oil;

2 tablespoons of chia seeds.

Preparation method:

Blend the raspberries and place them in a small bowl. Then add the lemon juice, chilled coconut oil and chia seeds and mix well. After that, cover your face and neck with the mask and leave it for 10 to 15 minutes.

Wash your face with warm water and store the rest in the freezer, if there is any left over.

Oatmeal, banana, honey and cinnamon mask (for oily and combination skin)

This mask will calm possible rashes and absorb excess oil from your face. Its ingredients contribute to this effect: oats have the power to soothe and heal irritated and sensitive skin; Banana provides the skin with several nutrients, such as vitamin A, vitamin E and potassium (in addition, this food helps to even out any depigmentation, protecting the skin from damage caused by the Sun).

Finally, honey keeps the skin moist and cinnamon reduces redness and swelling.


Half a cup of ground oats;

Half a banana;

1 tablespoon of honey;

1 tablespoon of cinnamon.

Preparation method:

Smash half a banana with the surface of a knife and place it in a small bowl. In another container, mix hot water into the oat container to form a kind of paste. Then, add the remaining ingredients (banana, honey and cinnamon) to the bowl with the oatmeal.

Place the mask on your face and neck and relax for 10 to 20 minutes. Then wash with water and store the remaining liquid in the refrigerator for another use.

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