Easy-to-Do Stretching Exercises (Wherever and Whenever)

Exercícios de Alongamento Fáceis de Praticar (Onde e Quando Quiser)

As a non-invasive manual therapy, osteopathy aims to improve health in all body systems by manipulating and strengthening the musculoskeletal structure.

As a complementary therapy, used in conjunction with conventional treatments, it provides a holistic approach to the body, using manual techniques to balance all body systems and provide general health and well-being.

So, now that you're spending more time at home, it's important to stay active and eliminate tension from your body with some simple exercises. We leave you with some stretching suggestions to do whenever and wherever you want, in a simple and practical way.

Back, legs, hips and neck

Place one heel on a chair in front of you. Keep both legs straight. Inhale as you raise your arms above your head. Exhale as you reach over your leg, holding onto the back of the chair if possible. Inhale and stand up again. Repeat everything twice with your legs slightly turned out and twice with your legs parallel.

Now, without taking your foot off the chair, turn your body so that the chair is at your side and place your foot on the seat of the chair, with your knees bent. Inhale and raise your arms to shoulder height. Exhale and bend towards the chair; As you do this, hold the chair back with one hand and bring the other hand above your head. Inhale as you return to the starting position.

Do this stretch three times. Switch legs and start with front stretches.

Back, shoulders, hamstrings

Sit up straight with your legs together and extended in front of you. Exhale as you bend your hips and circle your upper body over your legs. Reach your feet or rest your hands at your sides. Breathe normally for 30 seconds. Inhale as you return to the starting position. If you feel any discomfort in your lower back, sit on a pillow while doing this exercise.

Back of thighs

Sit with your legs apart and your toes pointing upwards. Exhale as you bend your hips and slide your hands down your legs to the floor. Keep your back straight. Breathe normally and hold for a maximum of 30 seconds. Keep your back straight as you exhale and place your hands on one of your feet, moving your body over the leg. Hold the position for up to 30 seconds, breathing normally. Exhale while bringing your hands to the other foot and moving your body over the leg. Hold for 30 seconds. Return to the center position and inhale.

How to apply these exercises in your daily life:

  • Relieve muscle tension at any time with a gentle stretch for muscles that are tense. 3-5 second stretches work to relieve muscle tension.
  • Prepare your muscles for exercise by including this at-home stretching exercise routine with a brisk walk or jog in place as a warm-up.
  • Maximize your flexibility by stretching right after any cardio or strengthening workout, when your tissue temperature is highest.

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