Dry Skin in the Cold Season?

Pele Seca na Estação Fria?

It's automatic: temperatures drop and our skin fades, becoming dry, without the summer luminosity that previously characterized it and thirsty of something that deeply hydrates it. Makeup can look perfect when throughout the day, but when night falls and it's time to move on to cleaning of the face, we feel that it begs for something to give it life.

Still, it is important to understand that the fact that skin being dry after removing make-up may not mean that it is its true nature, and the problem may be in the type of products that we choose to use and the reaction that its composition will trigger in the dermis, which will try to compensate for possible damage – by producing more oils or appearing be much drier.

According to some dermatologists, dry skin can take on different types of appearance. Redness, peeling and irritation are some of the possible signs. But again, if the skin becomes especially dry after washing our face, we will quickly see that the makeup remover that we are using is not suitable.

The absence of hydration is the first step to leaving the drier skin. It is also important to make sure that the lotions moisturizers we are using actually penetrate below its surface. A Most tonics have ingredients in their genesis that leave our drier face, making the use of serum a much more appropriate solution in this case. circumstance.

Drinking water and taking vitamins can make a difference in the appearance of our skin. The key tip in this chapter continues to be something you've heard countless times: drink lots of water. It's because? Because it is a valuable help to filter everything in your intestine – and everything that happens on the surface of the skin starts in the intestine. If we don't have a filtered intestine, we won't have a clean intestine. And if we don't drink the amount of water we need, the skin will reflect this dehydration.

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