Hydrate! Discover the Importance of Drinking Water Daily

We are all aware of the importance of drinking water for our health, especially when it comes to maintaining our bodily functions. However, we must hydrate ourselves from the inside out, not just when we feel thirsty.

This substance represents the majority of our body weight and is involved in many important functions, namely the elimination of toxins from the body, the regulation of body temperature and the correct functioning of the brain.

Benefits of drinking water

It is true that we obtain most of our water through drinking drinks, but food also contributes greatly to this process. Understand some of the main benefits of drinking water daily.

Regulates body temperature .

Our body loses water through sweat during physical activity and in hot environments. The truth is that sweat keeps our body cool, but its temperature will increase if we don't replenish the water it loses. This happens because the body loses electrolytes when it is dehydrated. The solution is, therefore, to drink more water.

Protects tissues and joints .

Drinking water helps lubricate and cushion your joints and tissues, something that helps you enjoy physical activities and reduces the discomfort created by certain physical conditions, such as arthritis.

Helps create saliva .

Water is a main component of saliva, which is essential for keeping your mouth healthy. Although our body generally produces enough saliva through regular fluid intake, this can decrease with age or due to taking some medications or therapies.

It helps fight illnesses and increase our energy .

Drinking enough water can help prevent medical conditions such as kidney stones, constipation, asthma, urinary infections, among others. Furthermore, drinking this drink can activate metabolism, something that can have a visibly positive effect on our body's energy.

Helps maximize physical performance .

It is essential to drink plenty of water during physical activity, especially because this substance lubricates the joints, contributing to better muscle performance on a daily basis. Furthermore, hydration also influences our strength and resistance, which is why it is crucial not to forget this point when we train.

Helps with digestion .

It is important to maintain your water intake so that your bowel movements contain this substance in the necessary quantities. Some experts confirm that drinking water before, during and after meals can help the body break down food more easily, something that will translate into better digestion and allow us to get the most out of what we eat.

In addition to helping to break down food, water also helps dissolve vitamins, minerals and other nutrients from food, providing their vitamin components to the rest of the body.

It helps you lose weight and improves the circulation of oxygen in the blood .

According to Healthline , drinking more water with meals and exercise can help you lose some extra fat.

Transporting useful nutrients and oxygen throughout the body, water, when ingested daily, improves the circulation of these elements, something that has a very positive impact on our general health.

Helps improve mood and maintain luminous skin .

Not drinking enough water can also affect our mood, as dehydration can result in fatigue and anxiety.

At the same time, adequate water intake will help keep the skin hydrated and can promote collagen production, giving the skin a more luminous and hydrated appearance, allowing it to more easily resist skin aging. However, this intake alone is not enough to stop the signs of aging – this process is also linked to your genes and sun protection.


When the body does not have enough water, dehydration occurs, something that considerably affects our psychomotor activities and our cognitive system. Whenever we are dehydrated, our attention and memory capacity decreases, as does our physical performance. However, more severe dehydration can result in even more significant complications, including kidney failure and brain swelling.

But, after all, what triggers this problem?

Our body is constantly losing fluids through actions such as sweating. And dehydration happens when he loses more water than he absorbs. Symptoms can vary – ranging from thirst to fatigue – and we can usually tell that we are dehydrated when we do not urinate as frequently or when the urine takes on a dark tone.

Overheating, confused thinking, mood changes and constipation are also consequences of dehydration, which in more serious cases may need to be treated in hospital.

What to do?

Staying hydrated goes beyond drinking water. Food represents about 20% of your total fluid needs per day. Along with drinking 9 to 13 glasses of water a day, try to eat lots of fruits and vegetables (watermelon, cucumbers, spinach, cauliflower, etc.).

The other side: is it dangerous to drink too much water?

Yes, drinking too much water can also harm your health. This is because, when we drink it in quantities greater than necessary, the extra water can dilute the electrolytes in the blood, reducing sodium levels and leading to the so-called state of hyponatremia, which can cause headaches, irritability, nausea or cramps.


I'm sure you've heard that you should drink 1.5L of water per day. However, the answer to this question is a little more individual and is not that simple. Our daily hydration needs are associated with factors such as age, profession, gender, ambient temperature and type of diet. Pay attention to the color of your urine: if it is clear and colorless, it means it is hydrated; If it is dark, you should increase your fluid intake.

According to CUF experts, we must replace the water we lose daily (through urine, perspiration, evaporation through the skin and breathing) by ingesting 2.5L of water per day for adult men and 2L for women adults, something also recommended by the Directorate-General for Health.

In addition to what is recommended, when you live in hot climates, when you have a fever or practice physical activities, it is crucial to drink more water.


One million question: how can you make sure you drink the daily amount of water your body needs? Firstly, it is important that you prepare to consume half the recommended amount by noon; secondly, always have a bottle nearby, to drink when necessary.

If you need a little extra help drinking enough water, take note of the following tips:

  • Drink sugar-free teas and infusions;
  • Set a goal (use a marker to divide your water bottle into consumption goals throughout the day, with marked times);
  • Flavor your waters (associating a flavor – cinnamon sticks, lemon slices, mint or red fruits – to the drink can be a way to drink with more pleasure);
  • Make use of an app for your cell phone that reminds you to drink water ( Water Reminder , Waterbalance , Water Your Body , Hydro or Plant Nanny are some examples of apps you can download);
  • Keep water close to you (don't forget to have water accessible, on your desk or bedside table, always ready to drink).

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