Do an Autumn Detox and Restore Your Spirit

We will offer you a detox . Accepted? A true detox allows us to get rid of certain unhealthy habits, paving the way for a new beginning. And autumn might be the perfect time to do so.

The hot season passes quickly, the seasons change, and so do we. As the season draws to a close, the month of winter beckons us. After the enormous amount of air conditioning we were subjected to in the summer, the high-calorie foods we ate and the excess sun exposure we subjected ourselves to, detoxing our body, mind and spirit is the way forward.

Practice meditation.

By cleansing your spiritual side, you will be able to feel completely restored and balanced. The first thing to do is to reset your mind and become in tune with your thoughts, as this is the best way to quiet your mind and refocus on what is important. To do this, we suggest you meditate daily, practicing gratitude and, as a result, living consciously during your detox .

Eliminate dead cells from the body.

Some research reveals that 20% of the detoxification process is done through the largest organ in our body. How about exfoliating and eliminating dead skin cells? There are many dead cells that need to be eliminated in order to achieve cleaner, more uniform skin. Make a natural exfoliation with sea salt or sugar and honey during your morning shower.

Take an Epsom salt bath.

Taking an Epsom salt bath is a great way to complement this detox , as it calms the skin and leaves it more relaxed. This salt is a pure mineral compound of magnesium and sulfate, known for its tranquilizing properties. When dissolved in warm water, this element is absorbed by the skin, elevating our mood and leaving us calmer.

To prepare this bath, dissolve Epsom salt (½ to 1 cup) in a bathtub of warm water. Allow yourself to not think about anything and enjoy a 20-minute soak in the bath. Take advantage and burn some incense or light some candles to improve the atmosphere.

Start the day with a mega juice or energy shake.

The best things in life start with what we drink (or eat) first thing in the morning. How about starting the day with a smoothie , a fresh juice or a bowl of fruit to boost your immune system with pure flavors and nutrients? Commit to drinking fresh juice every morning or eating fruit after waking up. This gesture will contribute, to a large extent, to making you feel better. If you want to intensify your detox , you can include ingredients such as ginger, lemon juice, apple cider vinegar or açaí in your juice, for example.

In addition to maintaining hydration by drinking fruit juices, it is also crucial to avoid consuming foods rich in chemicals, non-organic, which generally contain a huge amount of toxins that cause damage to our organs and our mind.

Avoid using chemicals.

As women, we are particularly exposed to countless chemicals every day, especially through the use of cosmetics and other beauty products full of compounds that can be dangerous in large quantities. Look for products made from all-natural ingredients.

Allow yourself to daydream and stimulate your creativity.

Give your mind space to wander and allow your brain to process information, as this will increase your creativity and your ability to solve problems, relieving your stress levels.

Daydreaming allows your mind to relax and take a break. When we stop absorbing so much information and allow the brain to retrieve it, it can quickly recharge our minds, allowing us to return to our lives more revitalized and ready to receive new information, which increases creativity and productivity.

Try indulging in a creative activity to stimulate your brain and make it release dopamine, which is the hormone of well-being and happiness. Creativity helps reduce anxiety and depression, and also helps to process trauma.

Taking time to express ourselves through creative formats is a unique way of feeling good about ourselves, which reduces the presence of our inner critic and brings out feelings of well-being and gratitude.

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