Solar Light – Learn How to Make Use of It in Your Home

Luz Solar – Saiba Como Aproveitá-la em Sua Casa

There are few things that can compare to the feeling of the sun hitting our face, even on winter days. And taking advantage of this warmer energy, inside and outside our home, can help lift our spirits, improve our health and save energy.

Natural light will always be better than artificial light. And make the best of what the first has to offer us, it could be the ideal opportunity for us to do something rewarding with our two homes – our body and our home.

Make the most of Nature is free and increases our body's serotonin levels. Blessed Vitamin D! Take note of everything you can do to make the most of it, within your space.

Positioning of furniture

No one asked to live in a Dark basement, right? For this reason, it is important to pay attention to the availability of furniture, which when well placed can have the power to completely change the spaces. Add plants to these objects and choose to position them in a way that does not involve blocking the passage of light streams through the windows. Like this, it becomes easier to refresh spaces and convey a feeling of lightness to those who welcomes you to your home.

A question of color

From an early age, we learn that there are colors capable of absorbing light, while there are others that reflect it more easily. The darker tones are the ones that absorb it; the clearest are those that reflect it. This is why it will be much more beneficial to paint the walls of a room in shades of white, gray or light brown, as all these shades work like a mirror, reflecting light harmoniously. Likewise, a ceiling painted white – or in lighter tones than the rest of the walls – will make the space appear larger.

Pastel shades of blue and yellow or mint are also good options to make spaces wider and reinvigorated. You can always use lighter wallpapers and go for the walls interiors, which may have a light reflectance level of 100% if they present a purely white tone.

If you don't like this tone, choose one of the variants that this tone presents and opt for a more beige version.

The magic of a mirror

There will be a better way to play with light as well as playing with the effects of a mirror? Probably not. It's because This is why it is so important to add mirrors to the main spaces of the room. your home, as they help to reflect the light more widely solar.

It's almost as if a mirror were the precursor to an optical illusion, because in reality what it transmits to us is a greater sensation of space. Not only does it have the ability to make a living room twice as large, it can also double the amount of sunlight it receives when added in front of a window.

In addition to decorative mirrors wall, you can decorate your spaces and brighten them with the help of mirrored furniture or furniture with glass details, silver frames and other objects metallic.

Clean and light windows

If you hate cleaning your window panes, here's a good reason to want to do it more often: dirty and dusty panes can block a lot of sunlight. Therefore, it is best to start washing them regularly.

In fact, it is through these openings that most of the sun's rays enter our home. Giving them as simplistic a touch as possible is important to allow the perfect passage of light.

Choose to decorate your windows with simple curtains, which can slide just to one side or tilt the way you want, thus controlling light levels and allowing you to enjoy the outside landscape (if it exists). Choose fabrics that are not heavy and, at the same time, do not compromise your privacy.

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