Versatile Crepioca

We bring you a very quick meal to prepare, which can be used for breakfast, a main meal or a snack, as its base is neutral, so you can add a savory or sweet filling.

Ingredients (for 1 person):

1 whole egg;

1 egg white;

2 tablespoons of tapioca.

Preparation method:

In a container, beat all the ingredients very well;

Then, in a non-stick frying pan over low heat, place the mixture and let it brown on both sides.

As you can see, it's super easy and quick to prepare this base. What enriches this recipe is, in fact, its filling. For a rich and nutritious breakfast, you can fill your crepioca with blueberries and dried fruits, for example. If you want to make crepioca a main meal, you can choose to spread the crepioca with quark cheese and fill it with shredded chicken, corn, mushrooms and cherry tomatoes.

Just let your imagination run wild to get a complete meal that adapts to your nutritional needs.

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