Contraception. Discover Some Little Talked About Methods

If you are about to start your sex life, know that taking contraception is essential to prevent pregnancy. Sexually active teenagers and adults who do not plan to start a family in the near future should receive early guidance, as the age for starting sexual relations is increasingly decreasing.

It is important to prevent unwanted pregnancy to achieve individual goals before having children. The best thing to do is to schedule a family planning consultation, to be informed about all the contraceptive methods on the market. In addition to this information, it is also essential to find out which contraception is best for you — we are all different and each body is unique.

The best contraceptive is the one that works best for you. Planning your future is essential to promote your physical and emotional well-being. The choice of a contraceptive method must be based on the advantages and disadvantages that its use entails. Currently, the offer on the market is vast, but there are still methods that are not so well known. Below we give you some examples.

Male and female condom

Everyone knows it and it is, of all, the most talked about. Still, it never hurts to remember that this is the only contraceptive method your partner can use. Normally made of latex , condoms are 82% effective in preventing unwanted pregnancies and are the only contraception that protects against sexually transmitted diseases.

Male condoms are available in pharmacies, convenience stores and supermarkets. You can also purchase them for free at your health center. The female condom, despite being less common, can be inserted eight hours before sexual intercourse.

Contraceptive sponge

The contraceptive sponge is a round plastic sponge that is inserted into the vagina, fitting close to the cervix, to block and kill sperm. This method is sold in pharmacies and can be used several times during 24 hours. It is recommended to leave the sponge inside the vagina for six hours after sexual intercourse. The main disadvantages are the possibility of developing some type of allergy or suffering an episode of Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS).

Cervical hood

With a soft, flexible lining, the cervical cap must also be inserted close to the cervix to prevent sperm leakage. This form of contraception must be prescribed by your doctor and, as with the contraceptive sponge, after use this object must remain inside your body for four hours after intercourse. There is also a risk of causing allergies or Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS).


Similar to using a cervical cap, using a diaphragm must also be prescribed by a professional. It is a good alternative to hormonal contraceptive methods. However, in addition to the risks mentioned above, there is the possibility of having a urinary tract infection.

Hormone implant

If you often forget to take the pill, another hormonal contraceptive method you can opt for is the hormonal implant, which consists of a plastic rod the size of a match. This is placed inside the skin (usually on the arm), releasing the hormone progesterone which affects ovulation. It is one of the most effective options, with an average validity of three years.

Intrauterine device (IUD)

In the shape of a T, this instrument is inserted into the uterus during a medical consultation and is an efficient measure, as it remains in your body for several years and is 99% effective.

Combined pill and hormonal pill

The combined pill is made up of estrogen and progesterone to prevent the ovaries from releasing eggs. Furthermore, it also allows sperm to enter the uterus by reducing cervical mucus. In turn, the hormonal pill has the same effects as the combined pill, but it only releases progesterone.

This method is recommended if you suffer from Premenstrual Tension (PMS) or menstrual pain. If you forget to take your pill one day, make sure you use another method of contraception.

There are options for all lifestyles when it comes to contraception. However, even though the choice is vast, you must choose the best solution based on your age, your desire to create (or expand) a family and your adaptation or tolerance to the method. Although the choice is personal, guidance from a professional is essential for your health and, therefore, if you have any doubts, it is best to make an appointment with your doctor.

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