Clubhouse – A Saving Application in Times of Confinement?

The world changed. And, with these changes, our need to communicate has become even more vital. Proof of this is Clubhouse , a digital platform whose popularity has been increasing and which even has a waiting list of people who want to use it.

Launched a few months after the start of the pandemic, in April 2020, for now this app is exclusively for iPhone users, working by invitation (those who are not invited are on a waiting list until accepted by one of their contacts already registered on the network social), it is also the perfect opportunity to listen to conversations while cooking dinner. Despite its elitist nature, the company has already announced the future launch of a version for Android .

How it works?

Clubhouse is a discussion board, without visuals. In other words, it works while exchanging ideas in real time, as if we were at a table having a conversation – without seeing the participants, just hearing their voice. Live audio is the only communication tool, there are no photographs, videos or the ability to send private messages to others.

Users can enter different conversation “rooms”, with topics covering areas such as culture, technology, cinema or subjects of a social, interpersonal or professional nature. There is no limit to the topics to be covered, making it possible to have and watch extremely diverse discussions.

When you enter a room, you will immediately be immersed in a conversation between the moderators and participants authorized to intervene, as well as the audience, who just watch. Whoever participates in the conversation can invite other people to participate in the discussion. Nothing that is discussed can be recorded: once finished, all debates disappear forever.

You can also create your own room (public or private) and see conversations scheduled by people you follow, which you can watch later.

A new opportunity for marketing ?

According to researchers, this app has developed a new dynamic in the way people interact and influence each other. It is believed that there is a common desire to associate with smaller and more intimate communities, something that is not possible on a social network like Instagram , for example, which covers the broad masses.

Rules you should take into account

Even though Clubhouse strongly discourages any discriminatory and aggressive behavior, it is up to the moderators of a given room to control the conversation. It is important to take into account the title of the conversation, the number of participants and the way they moderate their interventions. Normally, an order is adopted, where the moderator allows participants to speak in turn.

Every 30 minutes or so, it is important to refresh and update those who have just entered the room, explaining the topic of discussion, as well as any other pertinent information.

If you are a member of the public with an opinion to share, you should press the raise hand button, which can be activated by the moderator. Once accepted, be sure to turn off your microphone. The next step is to enjoy a healthy exchange of opinions and hopefully learn something new from others. After all, it is in sharing that the gain lies.

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