Meditation Guide for Beginners II — Creative Relaxation Visualization

Guia de Meditação Para Iniciantes II — Visualização Criativa de Relaxamento

What you find in this article:

1. What is Creative Relaxation Visualization;

2. Aspects to take into account;

3. Podcast: Meditation with Creative Relaxation Visualization: Garden of Tranquility.

1. What is Creative Relaxation Visualization?

In part I of this guide we talk, in a generalized way, about three great meditative techniques and we offer you a podcast of a Mindfulness meditation. In this second part, we will tell you a little more about meditation based on Creative Relaxation Visualization.

Like other meditative exercises, the objective of this meditation is to make our conscious mind “entertained” and let us “relax”, leading us, or not, to have a slight altered state of consciousness. The aim is that, for a moment, we can “disconnect” from what is distressing us (past) or creating anxiety (future) but the focus is directed to an imaginary scenario, instead of being channeled to a conscious present, such as Mindfulness meditation provides us. The objective is almost the same, the process is different.

Creative Relaxation Visualization almost helps us to “daydream”. We can imagine that we are in a beautiful garden or on a beautiful beach, flanked by a calm sea and an environment full of light, where we rest and heal, for example.

However, as with any meditative practice, it is necessary to take some guidelines into account, so that the moment is always pleasant. It is very important that it is a meditation that concludes with a “Mindful” moment so that we become focused and awake again.

When you listen to the podcast we offer you, you will understand better what it is about.

2. Things to take into account

(If you haven't read it yet, please read the tips for meditating found in part I of this guide, so that you have even more tools to perform this practice in the best way possible. Today's tips are only for meditation based on Creative Visualization of Relaxation).

It is necessary to be careful with what we imagine, because we are forming images in the brain that will give rise to thoughts and send messages to the entire nervous system. As such, you should NEVER imagine situations that could be unpleasant or very emotional.

These situations can give rise to less good thoughts and, consequently, unpleasant emotions and feelings.

Never imagine:

  • Dark places, without light, such as caves or ruins;
  • Other people with us in the landscape;
  • People who have passed away, even if they are family members that we loved very much.

Just imagine:

  • Beautiful natural landscapes, always with lots of light and water;
  • Angels or lights coming from the universe;
  • If you want to imagine people in the mental scenario you are creating, imagine who was once considered an enlightenment by a large part of humanity, such as: Jesus Christ, Our Lady, Buddha, etc. Or, your supposed Spiritual Guide or Guardian Angel;
  • Never listen while driving or using machines and/or other types of tools.

We also advise you to listen to meditations recorded by competent professionals, like the one we have for you today.

3. Podcast - Creative Relaxation Visualization Meditation: Garden of Tranquility .

And the time has come, your time to rest! Click play and enjoy. If you have any questions, share them in the comments and they will be clarified as soon as possible. Happy meditation!

Vanda do Nascimento is a therapist, trainer and Mindfulness instructor at the Escola de Mindfulness Essencial , founded by her in 2016. She began her career as a teacher in 1997, obtaining a degree in Education . On that same date, he also began his studies in Reiki, Meditation and Mindfulness. Later, he embarked on the path of Psychology and delved even deeper into the topic of Mindfulness, in order to continue his fight to control stress and anxiety.

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