Beet salad

It has a flavor that doesn't appeal to everyone, but its properties make beetroot an almost miraculous food. For those who suffer from anemia, for example, it is one of the things to include in the daily menu. Now look.

Ingredients (for two salads):

1 medium beet;

Juice of one lemon;

1 crushed garlic;

Salt, olive oil and thyme to taste.


Garlic crusher;

Bowl to add the seasonings;

Very sharp knife.

Preparation method:

Cut the beetroot into very thin slices with a very sharp knife;

Arrange each of the beetroot slices on a flat plate. In the bowl, add the crushed garlic (if you don't have a crusher, wrap the garlic in a piece of aluminum foil, place the knife on top and press until the garlic is crushed), the lemon juice, salt, olive oil and thyme;

Mix well with a spoon and pour over the beetroot salad. It must be served cold.

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