Bed Linen Cleaning: Everything You Need to Know to Become an Expert

Limpeza de Roupa de Cama: Tudo o Que Precisa de Saber Para Ser Uma Expert

Is there? We're calling from Planeta Cama! How have you been treating your sheets? We carefully study and plan the washing of our clothes. What we neglect is – throw your pillow at us if this is not the case – the care and washing of the sheets that adorn our beds.

We all love to crawl into a soft bed with fresh, scented sheets before a restful night's sleep. However, many of us put off this simple pleasure for a long (long) time.

How amazing would it be if our bedding was easy to wash, dry and fold? The truth is that sending all these delicate items to the cleaners is not a readily available option, which is why it is important that we learn how to make our sheets and pillows softer without wrinkling them.

And don't forget: creating a calm, clutter-free bedroom can improve the quality of our sleep, reduce stress and encourage productivity during the day – and clean bedding perfectly fits that goal, don't you think?

The importance of washing

Even if they don't look dirty, bed sheets can accumulate dust mites, dead skin cells, sweat stains, and hair oils. Wash them regularly to kill bacteria and keep your room happy and healthy.

How often should we wash clothes?

Did you know that duvet covers, pillowcases and sheets should also be washed every ten days? And that, so that all other components of your space that do not come into direct contact with your skin, must be cleaned every three months? And in the meantime, the clothing that protects your mattress should be washed every six months? It may seem like a lot of information – but it can all make a difference when it comes to protecting you from the mites we talked about above.

Keep some tips in mind that will help you deal with your bedding much easier. Get ready: we're going to make you the room cleaning genius. Sweet dreams .

The first steps

Give your dryer a rest.

Your sheets come out of your dryer completely rumpled (read: almost ruined). The solution is to avoid overloading your best friend, so that at the end of drying the wrinkles can be successfully reduced (these only happen because when the machine is full, there is no space for the fabric to come out unscathed). Try washing your sheets separately and make sure you only fill the load halfway.

“Delicacy” mode, always.

If your washing machine has the option for “delicates” (or baby clothes) remember that term, because this will be your greatest ally in caring for your bedding. Also prefer to wash your items in cold water, as high temperatures can degrade the fibers over time, also causing them to end up shrinking). Know how to dose the soap you use, as large quantities of it can leave your sheets hard and smelly.

Do not let drying reach the end.

Take the bedding out of the dryer a few minutes before the cycle ends, when it is still a little damp. This way, you can smooth out creases before they form. Try immediately placing the clothes on your bed, spreading them out and smoothing them out. Then spray it with linen spray and say goodbye to the iron.

How to make clothes smell good

Is there any better feeling than sliding into soft, fragrant, freshly washed sheets after a long day? We have to admit that it is details like this that make all our days more enjoyable.

Washing your sheets doesn't have to be a chore. The secret to a fresh-smelling bed is to wear freshly laundered linen. But there are other valuable tips:

  • Dry your bedding well before putting it in the closet. Yes, we told you to take your clothes out of the dryer a little earlier to avoid creases, but that doesn't mean you should tidy them straight away! Laying out damp sheets can generate unpleasant odors. If you choose to air dry, always dry your clothes outside (if possible) to keep them dry. She needs to breathe;
  • Use fabric softener when washing;
  • Try using fabric sprays to freshen clothes. You can choose a relaxing scent, like lavender, which can even help you sleep better;
  • Air everything out regularly to prevent damp from forming in your bed. This includes airing your mattress (not every day).

Infallible tidying trick:

Folding and placing extra sheets under your mattress will help you save space and make sure your sheets are exactly where you need them, every time. Fold them loosely and place them side by side (to avoid a princess and pea situation!).

Note: if your mattress is very old, this tip is not for you.

Dry in the sun or in the machine?

Each way of drying has its own advantages. The first and most important reason most people use a clothes dryer is convenience. A matter of time.

On the other hand, if you don't live in a place with a lot of air pollution, there are also good reasons to let your clothes dry in the sun: it won't increase your electricity bill, your clothes can last longer (they don't shrink) and they benefit from the sun, which is a kind of “natural disinfectant”. However, remember that it does not control the appearance of mosquitoes on your sheets.

If you live in a big city, it is best to dry your clothes in the dryer to keep them clean and save time; If you live in a clean place, like the countryside, you can hang your bedding outside to feel nature.

There is no choice that only brings you a good side. Try to adapt your preference to your reality.

How to make the perfect bed

One of the deepest enigmas of housewife life: how to make the perfect bed? We all admire the houses shown on the pages of decoration magazines, especially those where we find beds that look like they came straight from a dream.

Although it takes a little effort, we can all take our bed (and bedroom) scenery to the next level. There are simple formulas to achieve this. Keep reading to become a true expert in this “bed game”.

Add layers.

Adding layers is key to having a stylish bed that looks inviting and comfortable. Choose neutral and cozy textures; Play with patterns and colors to create depth and contrast.

Fold the comforter in half and then pull the top back in thirds. This will give a much more sophisticated touch to the entire set.

Combine pillows.

Match your larger pillows to the comforter and place them behind the smaller pillows. You can also stack them for a more modern look. Change this arrangement every three nights.

Add your finishing touch.

Placing a folded blanket at the foot of the bed is a good start. This is to complement your color scheme or add a new texture to this painting. Choose small accessories (just a few, to avoid too much information) and group them in groups of three, to adorn the bedside table.

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