Protect Your Skin from Autumnal Temperatures

Moisturize your skin and hair, protect your hair from the sun, put on the most suitable sunscreen for you... Summer has passed and with it came the beauty routines associated with the hottest season, in which we expose ourselves to UV rays and other everyday aggressions, such as chlorine or sea salt.

Even if the rest of the year is less aggressive for our skin, there are precautions to be taken, which vary from season to season and that guarantee healthy skin all year round.

There are some steps that we should all take into account. And if you need any of these products, it's time to renew your toiletry bag . Ready to enjoy this season with the best care?

Maximum hydration

Hair, face, lips and body. Hydration is the first step to healthy skin. It is with hydrated skin that we receive all the skincare products we apply. Furthermore, if our body is mostly made up of water, continuing to keep hydration levels up, and always having a bottle of water nearby, will be a good start.


Exfoliation ensures the removal of dead skin. Without this important step, the skin becomes dull and dehydrated. If autumn is a time to renew, it is also a time for our skin. So, once a week, take some time to exfoliate both your body and face. More sensitive skin should look for a less aggressive exfoliant.

Be careful with lower temperatures .

If the Sun can be harmful to our skin, excessive cold also requires specific care. Busted lips and cracked hands are the first signs that we are not protecting ourselves enough from the cold. Start the day with a very moisturizing lip cream (busted lips are quite unpleasant and give a very unkempt appearance) and a moisturizing cream for your hands – the area of ​​the body most exposed to everyday aggressions.

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