Are you embarrassed to go to a psychologist?

Psychologist: to go or not to go? Lots of Sometimes we are left in limbo when this question dominates our minds. If sometime stopped resolving his deepest and most disturbing issues because he had ashamed of what others will think, know that it is time to put put an end to this attitude.

It is not uncommon for us to see the lives of people who we believe are profoundly happy and for whom everything is going wonderfully. This is where comparisons and feelings of frustration arise, as this reality does not always occur. Therapy helps us go beyond our own surface and resolve the problems that are deeply rooted under our rug.

The error of comparison

What we see in others is almost always the surface, since we have no knowledge of their life stories or the problems they face. It is important to understand that perfection is far from existing. No one is perfect, nor does anyone have a perfect life.

Sometimes, our emotions interfere with our interpersonal relationships and our self-esteem, something that ends up being carried over into the professional field. All these maladjustments end up negatively impacting the quality of personal life of each of us. It is in this sense that shame can be our greatest enemy, as it prevents us from taking a preventative attitude when we recognize that something is not right with us.

We live in a culture that demands that we are always on top of things, that there is always success, that everything is always ok, but that is not real life. What happens is that, because we fear being out of the norm and being a real card out of the deck, or even because we are afraid of showing weakness, we end up hiding our problems, living below our potential for happiness.

Asking for help is essential

There is still a stigma that whoever goes to a psychologist is crazy or weak and this fallacy ends up influencing the time to decide to ask for help. The truth is that the psychologist helps, in most cases, people with everyday problems, helping the person to develop ways more functional way of feeling, thinking and behaving, always with the aim of a better quality of life. Psychology can help you understand who it really is and why it is so.

Going to a psychologist should not be a source of shame: all of us, at a certain point in our lives, may need the support of a professional specialized in this area. This is not a sign of madness or weakness, as we do not have to face all our battles alone.

If you experience any difficulty in some area of ​​your life (socialization, problems at home or work, etc.), if you need to learn to deal with your fears or something that causes you suffering, seek help. The psychologist's support consists of showing people something that they have not yet been able to see on their own, trying to guide them – without judgments.

We must start thinking about our mental health in a more preventative way. Don't let shame and fear of being judged condition your standard of living.

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