Oat Porridge With Maca

Warm oatmeal always tastes good in the morning. These have an ingredient that helps us on several levels: maca! A Peruvian root, rich in minerals and agents that help regulate our hormonal levels, also containing the ideal energy for a pre-workout and a flavor so mild that it can be added to yogurt or juice (without altering its flavor). ).


70g of oats;

200ml rice milk;

1 tablespoon of Peruvian maca powder;

1 teaspoon of cinnamon;

A drizzle of honey;


Pumpkin seeds;

1 teaspoon of chia seeds.

Preparation method:

Heat the milk in a saucepan and add the oats, cinnamon and maca. Stir well until it becomes thick;

Remove from heat and place in a bowl;

Serve with raspberries, pumpkin seeds, chia and a drizzle of honey. You can serve it with yogurt to make it creamier.

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