The Power of Crystals—What's Yours?

O Poder dos Cristais — Qual é o Seu?

There is a lot to say about crystals. We can only observe the beauty of these stones, which speaks for itself, but we can also recognize the composition that gives them energy. And that's where wisdom and intuition come in. Often, what starts with a small amethyst in your wallet can turn into drawers full of secret amulets.

Many people widely believe that the energy of the Sun, Moon and oceans is harnessed by the crystals and stones that connect us to Mother Earth. These have been used since ancient times, as they contain a wealth of knowledge and experience that is passed on from generation to generation. Crystals have a vibrational nature capable of healing us and developing us spiritually, as long as we allow ourselves to be connected.

Surprisingly, this is a path where science and mysticism intersect. This is because crystals, like databases of timeless knowledge, contain in their code all the information they have been exposed to throughout their millions of years of existence. Therefore, they absorb everything that surrounds them and pass this information on to anyone who comes into contact with them. From a scientific point of view, they emit specific vibrational frequencies that make them capable of storing data about the entire world that surrounds them.

Going back to the past, many were those who understood, intuitively, that the energies of the stones would be able to interact with the human electromagnetic field, in order to cause energetic changes. Mindfulness, reflection and acceptance are key foundations for surrendering to this experience of self-care and connecting with a crystal (or several). Below, find some of the best crystals that can change your vibration and do all the work for you.

One of the gentlest healing crystals, selenite promotes calm, balance and smoothness throughout the body. It is capable of bringing us deep peace and mental clarity, also quickly removing stagnant energy and blockages that we acquire throughout the day.

Rose Quartz
Rose quartz activates our heart chakra and promotes positive energy. This stone enhances all types of love: self-love, love for others and unconditional love. A powerful wonder that improves our self-esteem, restores our confidence and helps our emotional balance. It allows us to release tension, anger and stress .

Amethyst keeps “energy vampires” out of your personal space. It is a high vibration stone (in addition to being super beautiful), which helps us strengthen our intuition and connect with the highest planes of existence.

White quartz
The seventh chakra stone, white quartz, is known in the crystal field for being healing. Amplifies energy, thoughts and also the vibrations of other crystals. It is used to connect with our Higher Self, our intuition and our spiritual guides.

A stone for self-esteem and self-love, which helps us illuminate our darkest paths. Promotes forgiveness and unconditional love.

Black Obsidian
A shield against negativity, which helps us feel more anchored with our own essence. Place this stone on your pillow and fall asleep with it in your hand to help you decompress at the end of a long day.

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