A Conversation About Spirituality With Marlene de Melo, Numerology Therapist

Uma Conversa Sobre Espiritualidade Com Marlene de Melo, Terapeuta de Numerologia

Spirituality is a concept with room for many perspectives. If we think of it as a means to connect with something greater and find the meaning of life, we understand that it is a universal human experience. Numerology, in turn, carries the spiritual essence of numbers and their influence on human life. But how does this tool work? How can it help us deepen our self-knowledge? We spoke with Marlene de Melo , our numerology therapist, who explains the correlation between all these concepts and gives us valuable tips for achieving our greater purpose.

What, for you, is spirituality?

I believe we are spiritual beings living in matter. We are not human – we are human. We live this experience on planet Earth because we chose this house, so that our soul could grow and evolve. The concept of spirituality is, precisely, this connection between the divine and matter, between being and having. Everything we want to have, we must be. In other words, if I want more love, trust and respect, I have to love myself, trust myself and respect myself. Sometimes we don't have what we want, but we are. It's all about being to have. This is my vision of spirituality, based on prosperity, abundance and this entire experience that we live while we are human.

How do you define numerology and where does it enter the spiritual field?

Numerology is an ancient science of self-knowledge, which allows us to access our personality – from the most general layer to the deepest layers of our essence – namely information about what our soul wants us to be, what we still have to do. learn and how we can take advantage of our qualities to be aligned with our purpose. Using numerology, we can understand what our mission in life is and what legacies we have from past lives, as it gives us foundations and perspectives about who we are. Thus, if spirituality is to be had, and if we live in a society that is increasingly on autopilot – in which people do not question themselves about what they are doing –, numerology calls us to Earth and asks that, firstly, we know ourselves and what we have to work on to get where we want. The goal is to live a peaceful, happy, joyful life with higher frequencies. It is a path of discovery about who we are and what we want, in order to achieve our achievements.

What role do numbers play in our lives? Are there sacred numbers?

Each person has a set of numbers in their numerological chart, which we can read through their full name and date of birth. This map presents several numbers that come together in a unique combination of the being we represent. This then gives us the certainty that we are truly individual and that we have a unique shine to put into the world. Magic is the non-existence of comparison, because if we have a unique essence we can have faith that there is space for us.

There is a myth that the master numbers – 11, 22, 33 and all those that repeat up to 99 – are considered special. However, these numbers are neither special nor sacred. All numbers are unique and magical. There are no better numbers than others. The numbers considered masters assume this adjective because they have a repeated energy (coming from the number that repeats), which is why they are considered more special than others. Just as there are no people more special than others, there are also no numbers more important than others.

What does it mean when a certain number or set of numbers starts appearing in our daily lives?

People often believe that, because they see a repeating number or the same time, there is a concrete message being conveyed. Obviously we can place the message of the numbers associated with this interpretation, if we understand numerology. However, what is accessible to anyone who pays attention to the signs is the message that they are on the right path. At these times, we must look inside, connect with our intuition, see what answers our heart is giving us and what our soul is asking of us. We must be attentive to the insights that occur when we see these signs, because the more attention we pay to numerical repetition, the more they will appear. Furthermore, in a time of uncertainty, we can also ask for these signs to appear. This is because, in the Cosmos, there is free will. The Universe cannot help us if we do not ask for help. As such, by giving this opening and making this request, he can act very easily in our lives – always in our favor and never against us.

Is it possible that we are living in a Universe entirely coded by numbers?

It is already more than proven that everything is energy – we are energy. Everything that happens around us is energy in different forms, and energy always emits a frequency. Each frequency is associated with a scale, and a scale is always numerical. Therefore, we can say that we are also all coded by different numbers that match our frequency. From the moment the energy starts to take shape and our dreams materialize, the frequencies become higher: joy, gratitude, happiness. If we are vibrating in negative thoughts, in guilt, in victimization, in anxiety or in stress , our entire vibrational field is damaged, blocking our potential and our ability to transport our desires to the material plane.

Do you believe that we have the power to manifest the life we ​​desire with the help of numerology?

I think so. We live in a Universe with infinite possibilities. It is important that we know how to recognize that what we pass on to the material plane must match our thoughts, what we feel and our behavior. If all of this is aligned, we can manifest the life we ​​desire. What happens is that, what we are aware of, controls 5% of what we manifest – the remaining percentage, 95%, is controlled by our unconscious mind. Now, with numerology, we gain access to our challenges, which are obstacles not overcome in previous lives and to which we must pay greater attention, as well as our karmic inheritances, patterns that we bring from past lives, which may be manifesting themselves. into our lives unconsciously. Having access to all this information, we understand what our accumulated karma is, understanding everything that was accumulated in the past. This awareness allows us to work on this karma and access things that, in everyday life, would not be so visible. By deepening this self-knowledge, we can manifest the life we ​​desire. If, on the other hand, we live in an alienated way, we end up spending more time complaining and thinking about what we don't want. The power of manifestation is already within us, but sometimes we don't know how to use it. This is where numerology comes in, to help us look at ourselves from other perspectives, contributing to our evolution as a soul.

What wellness practices do you recommend?

We should all have a list of ten priority things that make us happy. First and foremost on that list should be us. If we are our main priority, we can take care of and pamper ourselves physically and spiritually, since we have other “bodies” besides the physical one. We must take care of our mental body, as repetitive thoughts, anxiety and stress make us lose the necessary clarity. There needs to be space to connect with the here and now. We can meditate in several ways: do a minute of conscious breathing; listen to a guided meditation and relax; light a candle and pay attention to its flame, without thinking about anything else. Meditating does not mean not having thoughts, it means being mindful. Another well-being practice is bathing, which is an excellent way to meditate, visualizing the water falling over the body and eliminating all tension and worries – that's why we tend to have great ideas in the shower. We can also use essential oils, which are very useful for taking care of ourselves and helping us focus on various areas of our life, supporting our menstrual cycle, connecting us with feminine energy and calming our spirit. With regard to our emotional body, we can take care of our emotions by practicing Hoʻoponopono , a Hawaiian practice that involves continually repeating the mantra “I'm sorry, forgive me, I love you, I'm grateful”, until we can feel positive changes in how we are feeling. Self-care moments are very important, because we, women, are very used to giving, but we also need to receive.

What should we choose – always – to be happier?

We must understand that happiness is not the destination, but the path and progress. We chose to be born and fulfill our mission, namely our accumulated karma . We were born to learn certain lessons and to align ourselves with our purpose and live our life plan based on our free will. Therefore, understanding that we are here to learn and teach, we must choose to be responsible for everything that happens to us. Everything that happens in our lives, no matter how bad it is, is necessary. People and situations are just characters and stories, which we need to observe to understand what lesson and message they want to convey to us. We must be responsible for everything, avoid behaviors of victimization, guilt or fear, embracing the Universe and believing that everything that happens around us works in our favor and never against us. What we accept, we transform; what we resist, persists, taking us to dark places, which prevent us from shining. We all have something unique to put into the world and our light is also unique. We must honor our essence and let ourselves be guided by our guru – the heart! – so that it leads us to make clearer decisions that are connected to the path of love and not fear.

Marlene de Melo is a numerology therapist, dedicated to helping people rediscover who they are, showing them their potential and purpose in life. Her goal is to make her patients learn to look at themselves with love, in a holistic way, taking care not only of their body, but also of their soul.

Follow Marlene through her social networks:

Instagram: @marlene.holistica
Telegram channel: numerologiaholistica

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