The Wonders of Each Tea

Is there a more comforting drink than tea? Whatever our option, these natural remedies/calmants always work as something invigorating, nourishing and relaxing.

This ancient creation keeps our body balanced and contributes to a healthy diet, be it leaves, herbs or flowers. For each organism, each tea has certain peculiarities, from antioxidant and diuretic characteristics, to calming and energizing qualities.

There are thousands of herbs with a variety of flavors, smells and phytonutrients with different abilities to help the human body. Today, we leave you with the benefits of some of the main teas that exist. Take note, and tell us which one is your favorite.

Green Tea

Treats swelling, allergies, acne and promotes weight loss. This tea reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases and improves our brain function due to the presence of caffeine. According to some studies, its regular consumption can protect the oral cavity and reduce the incidence of cavities.

Chamomile tea

It is a great tranquilizer (thanks to its sedative properties), helps you fall asleep, reduces headaches and reduces anxiety. It also works to reduce menstrual cramps, also combating problems related to indigestion.

Mint tea

It works as a remedy for nausea, eliminates toxins from the body, reduces cramps, combats asthma and bronchitis and also has a relaxing effect. In addition to being refreshing and tasty, it can also be used to combat lack of appetite and digestive problems.

Hibiscus tea

A tea that is most often consumed cold. It is a diuretic, helps kidney function and prevents premature aging of cells. It promotes weight loss, is the best for controlling high blood pressure and curing respiratory diseases, also reducing cholesterol and helping to prevent diabetes.

Oolong Tea

A tea that increases metabolism and helps supply antioxidants to the body. It's great for skin treatments, helps promote good bone structure and reduces our stress levels by 18%.

Masala Chai

Masala chai is responsible for improving our immune system and promoting an increase in energy, reducing the feeling of fatigue. By relaxing muscles and calming nerves, this tea relieves symptoms related to premenstrual tension, controlling mood swings and cramps.

Matcha tea

An option with a high concentration of dietary fiber, which helps to relieve constipation and also burn belly fat. It boosts immunity and is also detoxifying and anti-stress.

White tea

It combats fluid retention, is beneficial for reducing stress and thanks to its antioxidants, it prevents premature skin aging. Prevents diseases such as cancer, especially prostate and stomach cancer.

Black tea

Black tea reduces appetite, loses weight and treats anxiety and headaches. Because it is rich in antioxidants, which benefit cells, cellular oxygenation improves, making cells healthier for longer.

Ginger tea

Ginger contains many compounds that can help reduce inflammation and reduce the risk of developing serious chronic diseases. Just one cup of this tea a day can help reduce muscle pain and discomfort associated with arthritis. Stomach pain, sore throat, heartburn and poor digestion are also alleviated by consuming this drink.

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