The Six Most Hydrating Foods for Summer

Hydration is important throughout the year. However, in summer, not all of us remember that it is necessary to drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day, as well as eat fruits and vegetables, as through these we can also acquire a good percentage of water.

Many people forget to drink water and, sometimes, those who remember to do so often do not have the opportunity to go to the bathroom several times in a row. For this reason, we show you six foods that contain a good amount of water in their composition.


Lettuce leaves are mainly made up of water, which makes them a good source of water. However, this is not the only benefit of this vegetable. About 100g of lettuce contains only 15 calories. Because it is so low in calories and rich in nutrients, such as vitamin A and iron, it is a good ally in weight loss. Although lettuce is associated with traditional salads, you can prepare this dish in a much richer and tastier way. For example, you can add shredded grilled chicken, cubes of mozzarella cheese, black olives, pineapple and corn to the lettuce and, in addition to having a super healthy meal, you will also be satisfied. It is a light, practical dish with everything you need, including a good percentage of water.


Watermelon is a typical summer fruit. Super refreshing, it is made up of 90% water. In addition to being a great source of hydration, this fruit also has antioxidant agents, being diuretic. It has a high amount of lycopene, that is, a carotene that absorbs fat, and is excellent for preventing cardiovascular problems. Whenever you eat fatty foods, eat two or three pieces of watermelon so that the body does not absorb as much fat. As it is a satiating fruit, it is great to eat as a snack, cut into pieces, or even in a smoothie, first thing in the morning.


Rich in water, cucumber is a very versatile food. It can be eaten in a salad or even as a snack . Eating cucumber with your meal will prevent heartburn symptoms, due to the enzymes present in the peel, so you shouldn't peel it completely. Those who suffer from constipation should also consume cucumber regularly, as it has a high fiber content. Try to consume cucumber with some peel and with its seeds, as both are highly beneficial for your health.


As it is very refreshing, this bright-fleshed fruit cannot be missed at a summer picnic. More than half of its composition is water (around 84%), but did you know that this fruit has more vitamin C than an orange? In addition to being widely consumed in summer, which is fruit season, when consumed in winter it is a good strategy to avoid flu and colds. As it is rich in potassium, it helps prevent muscle cramps. If you are an athlete, consume this fruit regularly and you will see that your training sessions do not have to be interrupted because of terrible cramps. It can be taken with you in a Tupperware or consumed in smoothies.


Chucha tomatoes, cherry tomatoes, raw tomatoes, round tomatoes, there is something for all tastes. It is a fruit with around 92% water, which makes it a top water source, but in addition to this factor it is considered a very complete fruit. Rich in vitamins (A, C, K and B6), magnesium, phosphorus and potassium, this food reduces hypertension and improves our health. As it is rich in antioxidants, it promotes the reduction of free radicals in the bloodstream, which are highly harmful to our health. You can add cherry tomatoes to your salads to give them a more appetizing look. If possible, swap the processed tomato pulp you buy in the supermarket for homemade one.


Apple, small fruit that originated the Trojan War. For this reason, we can already understand its power. Raw, cooked, with shell or without shell, the important thing is to try to include it in your diet, especially if you are in the category of women who forget to drink water. Apples contain around 80% water when raw. Low in calories, it is a satiating fruit and, therefore, is a good snack for those trying to lose or maintain weight. In the morning, when you wake up, swap your cup of coffee for an apple. It will give you more energy than a coffee and also has the advantage of helping you maintain good oral health, unlike coffee. Consuming an apple after meals is an option to avoid the gluttony that appears after lunch and also promotes good digestion.

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