The Healthiest and Tastiest Fruit Combinations

Multiple colors, shapes and textures: all this on a plate full of the most delicious and nutritious fruits, every morning. A dream? Perhaps. The truth is that there are lots of fruits, which in addition to being tasty, provide a huge variety of benefits to our health.

Complementing our diet with fruit is the perfect option, as our body digests it easily and consuming it is not exactly a disproportionate effort. All types of fruit are healthy, as long as they are ripe, so that all the energy they contain can help us.

So, how about leaving aside the buttered toast and enjoying the countless antioxidants and phytonutrients present in the most diverse fruits? We suggest some of the most powerful combinations for your well-being.

Combination 1: banana, apple and avocado

This combination is for those who need a boost of energy. These three fruits, when together, are a great pre- and post-workout, as they are rich in nutrients and will keep you satiated for hours. Firstly, the fiber present in apples promotes the feeling that we are satisfied for a long time; secondly, the energy in bananas makes this a suitable option to consume before training, while avocado, in turn, helps us reduce the duration of digestion, making it perfect for after physical exercise.

Combination 2: fig, pomegranate and grape

Red grapes, as they have numerous antioxidant and anti-aging properties, help us fight some diseases, also keeping our vision stronger and minimizing the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays. By combining these three fruits (with a special focus on pomegranates) we can protect our body from damage caused by free radicals and all the conditions that make us age earlier. In addition to all these advantages, the precious minerals integrated in the fig stand out, such as potassium, calcium, magnesium and vitamins A and E.

Combination 3: blueberry, cherry and pineapple

Anthocyanin. The name may be strange to you, but we are talking about one of the main antioxidants present in blueberries and cherries, something that gives them the strong, dark tones we know them as. Cherries, whether sour or sweet, contain high amounts of phenolic compounds, which provide an anti-inflammatory effect on our body. And the pineapple, where does it come in this dish? With special emphasis, as it has vitamin C and also the enzyme bromelain (which digests proteins), benefiting our intestines on a large scale, as well as our immune function.

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