Discover All the Charms of Coffee

There are two types of people: those who don't like the taste of caffeine and those whose day only starts after drinking a good dose of it. The fact is that coffee does much more than simply keep us awake.

This ingredient almost always impacts our mood. In small amounts, it can make us more energetic, but in reality, high amounts of caffeine can disturb our well-being. In cases where we consume the same amount of caffeine per day, we develop a kind of tolerance to this substance. Our body mass, as well as our age, also determine our resistance.

Coffee acts as a real stimulant on our central nervous system. When it reaches our brain, we automatically feel more awake and less tired. In reduced quantities, it can even control our drowsiness and treat some headaches. The harmful consequences begin to occur when we consume it in excess, which can trigger the opposite effect.

How many coffees to drink per day?

If we are a regular fan of coffee in our daily lives and if, suddenly, we put it aside and stop consuming it, we will begin to notice symptoms such as anxiety, irritability and drowsiness. Furthermore, caffeine increases the amount of acid present in our stomach, which can cause heartburn and some discomfort. Choose to drink coffee in a more controlled way. The safest thing is to consider drinking just one or two coffees a day, so that you can promote your health.

The Benefits

1. It produces happiness.

A study carried out by Harvard University of Public Health, in Boston, USA, argues that those who drink coffee have a lower tendency to develop depressive states. If in recent months you have been trying to kick the habit of drinking coffee after meals, your mission is over. In moderation, you can continue to enjoy this small pleasure that, apparently, is healthy.

2. Helps with hangovers.

When combined with an anti-inflammatory, such as ibuprofen, caffeine helps us eliminate a type of chemical acetate that alcohol produces in the body and which causes typical hangover headaches. The next time you wake up like this, drink coffee and take ibuprofen so you feel almost instant relief.

3. Increases productivity.

Caffeine stimulates the nervous system, which – in return – increases mental agility and helps our concentration in the following two hours after ingestion. So here's a tip. Whenever you need a good dose of extra concentration or even to increase your level of productivity, drink coffee.

4. Goodbye, calories!

Drinking coffee before exercising will increase our energy levels. Therefore, we will have even greater resistance. Drinking more than one dose is not advisable, as caffeine has a very dehydrating effect (don't forget to drink lots of water).

Discover High Coffee , in Frederica.

High Coffee is an instant coffee made up of seven carefully selected ingredients (freeze-dried coffee, cocoa, coconut water, turmeric, green coffee, black pepper and cayenne pepper). It is completely designed to give you energy, focus and motivation, strengthening your immunity. It is for sale at Frederica, through this link.


You can choose to add High Coffee to your favorite yogurt before training. Account for the time needed for caffeine to disperse through the blood system, knowing that caffeine peaks around 45 minutes after ingesting it. Eat this pre-workout meal 45 minutes before you start training and feel fitter than ever.

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