What Exactly Is a Serum?

Put your hand up if you've heard of serums and still can't understand what this seemingly magical beauty product really is. The good news is that, for all your unanswered questions, we have come to some important conclusions so that you can – finally – put that miracle bottle to use.

As time goes by, priorities change when it comes to matters related to the form how we treat our skin. We begin to get to know the real meaning of terms such as wrinkles, dehydration, fine lines and sagging and, as As a result, the demand for anti-aging lotions and formulas increases significantly.

The last thing you want when we begin the search for ideal facial care, our levels of stress grow (because this would only have the opposite effect of what is intended!). Therefore, we tried to understand what it truly is a serum, what it is for and what variants there are of it. Today will be the day when that you can say “goodbye” to all your doubts – and of course, to the first signs of aging.

After all, what does this product consist of?

It is not a moisturizer, it is not an oil, nor is it necessarily an essence. A serum is a product that can be applied to the skin after cleansing, but before moisturizing, with the aim of directly providing our skin with a set of powerful ingredients. As a thick topical application – with high concentrations of active ingredients – a serum is particularly suited to this task, as it is made up of smaller molecules, which can penetrate deep into the dermis and provide you with a very high concentration of everything these components have to offer.

More viscous than a liquid, but more liquid than a cream or lotion, a serum assumes, generally, a higher value, precisely because it is more concentrated than the remaining products. The advantage is that this also allows it to be used a smaller amount of product in each application, making the packaging may have greater longevity.

Returning to the ingredients part assets, we answer the question you must be asking right now: what an active ingredient can do for our skin? It's simple. He may have function of brightening, firming or simply hydrating the face – it depends on the type of serum to use.

How to know if you need to use a serum?

Intuitively, you will get understand whether or not it is time to start using a serum if you are pay attention to the signs of your skin. When your day cream and your night cream are unable to meet all the needs of your face and your dermis is begging by taking extra care, you will quickly realize that it is time to take the step Following.

Dark spots, redness and Expression lines are problems that can be solved with the help of this product. Therefore, you feel that everything you have done so far is not enough. To put an end to these problems, consider adding a serum to your skincare regimen. beauty.

Serums can cause irritation in people suffering from eczema and other more serious skin problems. Like this, If in doubt, it is best to consult a dermatologist so that this give you better guidance on this matter.

What is the difference between using the cream usual moisturizer and use a serum?

A moisturizing cream – which contains a higher concentration of oils, avoiding water loss – should not be replaced for a serum. While a normal cream works as a protective barrier between the skin and the environment that surrounds it (keeping it hydrated and protecting only its upper layer), a serum can penetrate the three layers of the skin, being much deeper than the first.

Skins that lack a higher level care should involve the use of a moisturizer and also of a quality natural serum.

What is the best time of day to apply the serum?

This product must be applied, preferably at night, after cleansing with a toner and before of the night cream. Its function is to “feed” your skin and provide it with vitamins and nutrients that may be missing.

What types of serums are there?

There are serums designed for functions such as:

  • Correct skin tone , treating problems such as hyperpigmentation and enlarged pores;
  • Moisturize , protecting the skin and complementing the benefits of usual creams;
  • Provide an antioxidant effect , defending the skin from free radicals to which we are exposed daily and preventing possible effects adjacent to this exposure, which damages our cells;
  • Prevent aging by slowing down this process and providing essential ingredients to the skin to combat wrinkles.

How to choose the ideal serum for your skin?

The first step is to understand what is your skin's main need? As this is a specific product directed towards a specific type of treatment, it is important that, when choose yours, be sure that this choice is the best for you and that This particular serum will do what it's supposed to do.

Pay attention to your type of skin and knowing its greatest weaknesses is also a point to consider in the act of purchasing a serum, avoiding ingredients that your skin does not tolerate well. Do some in-depth research, get advice from your dermatologist and then yes, You can add this extra step of protection and vitality to your routine.

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