Tips for a New Spring Workout Routine

Spring begins, little by little, to peek through the windows of our house. And with the arrival of these temperature changes, it's time to give our training a twist. Precisely with this in mind, we have put together some tips that can help you better plan your exercises and make them more productive.

Renew yourself.

If, for example, you practice yoga , your body may be used to certain positions that, over time, end up becoming less effective. In this case, try switching to inverted postures that stimulate blood circulation and provide relaxation between the vertebrae.

Be strong and strive to increase the pace.

Choose an interspersed, high-intensity workout. Choose exercises that speed up your metabolism, so you burn more calories in less time. Practice sports at least twice a week so that you can gain muscle mass and burn accumulated fat more quickly.

Focus on your goal.

It is important that you try to perform functional training as much as possible, as this competition-oriented option aims to improve our general health and mental well-being. It is important to work on our body posture and work on other equally important skills, such as agility, mobility, stability and balance. In short, we are talking about a type of training that incorporates the best of each area of ​​fitness , so that the exercises are carried out based on a detailed study of how the person's body works and according to their individual conditions, something that allows optimized results.

Pay attention to your diet.

With the spring temperatures approaching, it is always better to opt for lighter foods, such as salads and cold soups. Take advantage of the season and prepare fruit and vegetable juices, ideal for starting the day with energy in the morning or even for enjoying at snack time. Instead of drinking coffee, opt for iced tea.

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