The Taboos of Female Pleasure

Os Tabus do Prazer Feminino

When we talk about female pleasure we still feel that there are constraints and taboos that continue to keep us away from rewarding intimacy. We are not educated for pleasure. Our family told us little about this, at school we learned the risks and consequences and society shows us an eroticized reality, where moaning with pleasure seems simple and easy.

In Portugal there are many women who have never felt pleasure and talking about it is still difficult, forcing us to lie several times. In a heterosexual relationship, we often focus our attention on exclusive penetration, in the hope that it is the best route to pleasure, but the vagina is not our most sensitive area, just think about the fact that we do not feel a tampon inside this canal. Therefore, it ends up seeming almost impossible to feel pleasure with exclusive penetration – but not impossible. Often, the way we stimulate or are stimulated can undermine this difficulty, which is why foreplay is used to improve arousal. In the vulva, the external part of our genitalia, we find the main female pleasure organ: the clitoris, an erectile structure that enlarges during arousal and is responsible for most orgasms in women... a wonderful organ! This privileged area can double its size, while the small glans, at the tip, can become very sensitive to touch. Today, physiology tells us that this unique structure in women's pleasure continues inside the vagina, which makes some areas more sensitive, if we invest in foreplay that leads to excitement.

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