That Kombucha: A Healthy Fermented Drink to Enhance Well-Being

Aquela Kombucha: Um Fermentado Healthy Para Potenciar o Bem-estar

Maria Lima's creative mind led her to create a unique drink, with an even more exclusive flavor. It all started with a trip to Bali, Indonesia, where I first heard the word that would dictate the course of the future: kombucha . Thus, the Aqui Kombucha project was born, the first source of bulk kombucha in Portugal.

That Kombucha already has a store in Porto – That Kombucharia –, at Rua Duque de Saldanha, 345, where you can try this special drink, buy kombucha in bulk or choose to buy packs . The project also has its online store, which you can find through this link .

We spoke to Maria Lima, who revealed everything about her initiative, which is both healthy and tasty.

How did the idea of ​​launching this project come about? How did it all happen?

This project came about by chance, from an encounter that, from the beginning, intrigued and captured me. This discovery came from a conversation with a friend about a restaurant where I was going to have dinner in Bali, and her suggestion to drink kombucha — she said I would love it. And so it was. Since that moment (May 2017), several years have passed and a journey of discovery through the world of fermented foods was born, as well as the adventure of setting up a factory and launching a kombucha brand in the middle of the pandemic. Everything happened gradually and consciously, although it seemed like the Universe pushed me towards this path. But, more importantly, I was receptive to the discovery and embraced the cause. The interest of the people around me multiplied. I started reaching out to strangers and learning about other projects in the area, which motivated me to invest in this crazy idea: setting up the first kombucha factory in Porto.

What exactly is That Kombucha and where does the sustainable nature of the project come into play?

That Kombucha is fermented tea, true and faithful to its essence. The objective in creating the brand was to provide the Portuguese with a product as faithful as its homemade version. In other words, kombucha fermented according to tradition, not distorted by industrial processes of pasteurization, dilution, etc. The core of the brand is the product, its quality and consistency, but also its impact and footprint on society. Social, environmental and cultural issues are part of the team's universe of concerns and the brand encompasses this, as a vehicle for positive transformation. Therefore, we launched a reforestation campaign associated with the limited edition flavor, Mirtilo (summer 2020), and planted 100 indigenous trees in Serra do Alvão, with the association Plantar Uma Árvore . At Christmas 2020, we produced and published a screen print by emerging artist Eva Evita, as art makes us happier and more fulfilled. Supporting causes, projects and people that move the world for the better is key.

Why create something exclusively linked to Kombucha? What makes it so interesting/fascinating?

Kombucha is a natural fermented product, that is, it is full of life, of microorganisms and they are what make us (and make us feel) so good! Its fermentation process is fascinating: the formation of SCOBY (symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast), the profound change in its flavor, the creation of gas... When I realized what fermentation consisted of, I was captivated. Some people make bread, I make kombucha ! But I also make pickles and sauerkraut in my free time.

What are the future plans?

We have new flavors to launch, beautiful content to produce (something that excites and amuses us a lot) and actions with social and environmental impact to develop. Product, communication and impact – the three pillars of That Kombucha are here to stay and grow in 2021!

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