Salmon Tataki

Do you like salmon? And vegetables, too? Then this recipe is for you. A low carb dish perfect for the hot season.

Ingredients (for 4 people):

For the Asian vegetables:

65g edamame (soy beans);

65g lotus root;

A few drops of vinegar;

1 drizzle of olive oil;

2 garlic cloves;

65g of water chestnuts;

40g fresh spinach

Salt to taste.

For tataki :

400g salmon fillets (4 fillets);

2 sheets of nori seaweed;

1 drizzle of olive oil.

Preparation method:

Prepare the Asian vegetables: in a pan of boiling water, cook the edamame for 5 minutes. Drain and reserve;

In another pan, cook the previously sliced ​​lotus root in water, with a few drops of vinegar, for 3 minutes. Drain, let cool and set aside;

Heat a non-stick frying pan with a drizzle of olive oil and sliced ​​garlic and sauté the edamame, lotus root, water chestnut and spinach for about 5 minutes. Season with salt to taste;

Wrap each salmon fillet in half a sheet of nori seaweed.

In a non-stick frying pan heated with a drizzle of olive oil, braise the rolls until the foil is crispy. Remove and cut the rolls into thin slices, using a fish knife;

Arrange the Asian vegetables on the platter and place the black salmon tataki rolls on top.

This recipe was taken from the book «Let's go natural», by Go Natural.

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