Fit popcorn

Sometimes we don't know what to snack on between meals. We want something crunchy, chewy and that will keep us entertained until the main meal. How about some popcorn?

These can be a great alternative for those who need new ideas for mid-term snacks. Last year, Time magazine included this variety of corn in the 50 best foods of all time. They are super simple to prepare and you can take them anywhere, as they don't spoil easily, they are rich in fiber, they are gluten-free and, in addition, they are super satiating.

This recipe is simple and tasty. In addition to organic corn, we will need water, coconut oil and cinnamon. Now look.


3/4 c. corn soup for popcorn;

3/4 c. water soup;

1 c. coconut oil tea;

1 pyrex container to go in the microwave;

Cling film;

1 toothpick;

Cinnamon powder (optional).

Preparation Method:

In the microwave-safe container, place the corn, water and coconut oil. Do not use plastic containers;

Mix well and cover the container with cling film;

Using a toothpick, poke some holes in the film to prevent the water vapor that will form from condensing. Do not make holes too wide to prevent the popcorn from escaping at high speed;

Place in the microwave for 4 to 6 minutes;

The time depends on the power of the microwave. At the end, sprinkle with cinnamon powder to taste (optional);

Those who are not microwave fans can try making it in the oven or in a pan. The ingredients and quantities will be the same, only the times will change.

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