New Year, Feng Shui in the Bedroom

Ano Novo, Feng Shui no Quarto

If there's something we all want, it's a healthier and lighter life. Feng Shui – a Chinese technique for harmonizing environments, which studies the influence of space on our well-being – could be the answer, as its code has the value of stimulating the presence of more positive energies in our lives.

Our bedroom should be our sanctuary. It is the place of dreams, passion, solitude, meditation, anxiety and infinite internal struggles. So, how about taking advantage of ancient Eastern teachings and transforming our space into an oasis of high vibrations? Follow our tips and transmute the energy of the corner that is a real house within another house.

Put an end to insomnia and anguish.

  • Eliminate mirrors from the bedroom, as they cause insomnia and can disturb your sleep;
  • Try going back to the old days and using a traditional alarm clock. Turn off your cell phone and all other technological devices, as they emit electromagnetic waves and activate our mind. Ideally, these objects should stay outside our bedroom;
  • Change pillows regularly and use cotton bedding. Perfume the room with lavender essential oil to calm the mind;
  • Eliminate excess books next to the bed and remove objects with strong tones (yellow, orange and red).

Shoes in the bedroom: yes or no?

It can be said that shoes symbolize the paths we no longer want to take. Even though they are stored, they have the memory of walking, action and movement of everyday life ( yang energy). Many of us keep shoes in the bedroom (in the wardrobe and, mainly, under the bed), but footwear is too active an element to store in this area, carrying everything we absorb from the street and causing sleepless nights. Clean the shoes you no longer wear and make room for the new ones.

Drive away insecurity and fears.

  • Your bed must have a headboard and cannot be placed under the window: all of these are factors that can increase insecurities and fears without there having to be a strong reason. If you can't change the position of your bed, use crystals;
  • Choose wooden or laminate floors for a warmer floor and use rugs;
  • Eliminate shelves that are above the headboard, as these cause fear.

Attract positive energies and love.

  • Use neutral floral motifs in bedding. Choose soft tones (green, lilac, pink and white);
  • Double the decorative objects (cushions, candles, vases and pictures).

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