Healthy Snacks to Take to the Beach

On sunny days we just want to spend the day at the beach and decompress. However, we never know what to eat. After all, what should we pack in our lunch box? The temptations are many. From ice cream to Berlin balls, including French fries, among many others. To maintain your figure, it's best to stay away from these real calorie bombs. Therefore, we leave you with some suggestions that can help you:

  • Cherry tomatoes, one of the best options, as they are portable and can almost be sweet. It has a lot of fiber and is therefore satiating, in addition to also having many antioxidants, making it ideal for moments of sun exposure;
  • Raw carrots, as they have a lot of soluble fiber, which helps us maintain a feeling of satisfaction, as well as helping us tan;
  • Salads with vegetables, but also with beans or grains;
  • Pieces of fruit or fruit and vegetable juices. Choose sandwiches with little bread to fill with vegetables. Add a source of protein, such as boiled egg, tuna or leftover chicken/turkey from the day before;
  • Boiled egg. For the most insatiable, we recommend this option. Pair the egg with the carrot to get the effect you want and stave off hunger. Don't forget that eggs should go in thermal bags, next to cold things. A secret for boiling eggs: as soon as the water is boiling, add the eggs for just 3 minutes. Then, turn off the heat, but leave them in there for another 5 minutes (they will stay cooked).

Combine these options to your liking and enjoy the beach.

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