How to Harness the Spiritual Energy of the Moon

The Moon has been an object of study since the beginning of human existence. Recently, scientific studies investigated the connection between the Moon and our mind, revealing that the Earth's satellite had a visible influence on our brain activity, increasing the level of frequency and vibration of particles in the brain.

Each spatial body emanates intangible frequencies that interact with the frequencies of the human body. The Moon, in turn, influences the subconscious mind, which contains various impressions that determine human characteristics, including our thoughts and actions.

The Moon affects all living things, but humans are the only beings who can fully experience this action. We often look to the Sun as a provider of light and clarity, but it is believed that it is the Moon that sees us through our darkest hours. As human beings, we go through phases, just like the Moon does every month. So, how about taking advantage of the spiritual energy of the Full Moon and New Moon to help you lead a more soulful life?


The appearance of a Full Moon symbolizes many things. This is the time of the month when energy reaches its peak, and is then released. In other words, the stronger your connection with the Full Moon, the more your heart chakra , responsible for forgiveness, will be aligned. This means that this phase of the Moon could be the perfect time to let go of negativity and prepare for a new chapter, in the same way that a Full Moon gives way to a New Moon.

Take the following steps to absorb the powerful energy of the Full Moon:

1. Breathe in silence

Hang up the phone and take five long breaths. Try to focus only on your cleansing effect.

2. Light a candle

The spiritual act of lighting a candle is linked to enhanced intuition. Intuition can be very useful when it comes to releasing negativity.

3. Write what’s in your soul

To let go, you need to identify the things that are causing you discomfort. It could be a habit you would like to change, a delicate situation or even a person who is part of your life. Expressing all of this in writing can give you greater mental clarity.

4. Visualize the goal

Imagine how much better your life would be if you made one change. Think about what you would feel and believe that it is already real. This energy will be released into the Universe.

5. Express an intention of forgiveness at the Full Moon

Whether you are trying to forgive someone else or yourself, speak out loud. Start with the words “I forgive” and feel the negativity drain away.


A new lunar phase begins with the appearance of a New Moon. The energy most associated with this phase is that of new beginnings. From a spiritual point of view, the New Moon is the perfect time to start a new project.

While the Full Moon ceremony focuses on identifying and letting go of negative influences in your life, the New Moon ritual uses similar tools to direct your attention to reach new levels of success. Breathe quietly and light a candle—but this time to focus on the future, after the old energy is cleared.

Harness the power of the New Moon to set your new intentions into motion. Don't worry if what you write seems unrealistic at the moment. Everything must be formulated positively to nourish the new energy you will receive.

Sit under the new moon and imagine sending your wishes out into the world. Think about tying your list to a balloon in your mind and imagine it floating toward the sky. Burn the list on the end of a small piece of wood and watch the smoke carry your wishes to the stars.

Next time you look up at the night sky, pay attention to the Moon's phase and remember how its energy can enrich your life every day.

Article translated and adapted Rituals Magazine.

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