Treat Your Skin at Home With Gua Sha

Gua Sha is an ancestral and alternative therapy. Etymologically speaking, Gua means scrape and Sha means sand. This technique consists of scraping the skin with the tip of a specific instrument, and the materials can be of different types, such as the back of a spoon, a small metal lid or even a coin.

But how does this object work? The skin is moisturized with a massage oil and the instrument presses down firmly and scrapes it. The aim is to stimulate blood circulation, also allowing inflammation and pain to be reduced. After the procedure, you may have red streaks on your face or body, which will disappear within a few days.

Despite being commonly used on various parts of the body, this technique is also widely used on the face as a beauty treatment. If we use Gua Sha at home, we must clean our neck well (before and after), as the movements of this practice direct toxins to this area. To achieve all possible benefits, facial exercises must be repeated at least five times for each workout and on each side of the face, separately.

What Exactly Does Gua Sha Do?

Gua Sha offers countless beneficial properties in terms of skincare , namely:

  • A brighter appearance, delaying skin aging with increased blood flow;
  • A valuable aid in lymphatic drainage, as it removes the accumulation of liquids on your face;
  • The relief of muscle tension, thus relaxing the face instantly and improving headaches;
  • Moisturizing dry skin. This is because with Gua Sha , toxins are pushed out of the face, leaving the skin with its natural moisture;
  • Reducing the appearance of wrinkles, if firmer pressure is applied to the lines and wrinkles of the skin. (It is no coincidence that it is called the natural Botox of the East, as it increases collagen production, leaving the skin looking younger and more toned, without resorting to injections!);
  • The evidence of facial contours. By massaging the face, the skin becomes more toned, allowing the use of makeup to define it to take a backseat;
  • Elimination of skin problems. This ancient Chinese technique also eliminates dark circles and blemishes from the face. Furthermore, it allows you to cure or improve rosacea.

And if you are not yet fully motivated to try this treatment for its aesthetic advantages, know that this technique can also have non-cosmetic benefits, such as relieving muscle tension in the jaw area, improving sinusitis and migraines and leaving the blood richest in nutrients and oxygenated. Furthermore, it has benefits in terms of mental health, increasing our clarity.

Also recommended in the treatment of acute and chronic problems, Gua Sha helps resolve joint and muscle problems, fibromyalgia and also anxiety, increasing our energy levels.

The steps you must follow to carry out this therapy are:

  • Clean your face well and apply an oil suitable for your skin type;
  • Make movements that drag the skin of your forehead, jaw and neck upwards. (The cheek area should be pulled to the side).
  • Finally, you will feel calmer and have firmer, healthier skin!

Treat your skin at home.

Practicing this method at home is very simple. You can choose the shape and size of your Gua Sha , with the most commonly used types being made of jade (green ornamental stone) or rose quartz. Jade is known to instill serenity and purity, while also helping to promote fertility; Rose quartz is known for being the stone of love, encouraging harmony in the heart, unconditional passion and compassion.

We have a Gua Sha for sale in our online store . Enter this link , discover its wonders and add it to your cart!

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