Five Key Physical Exercises to Relax the Body and Mind

Cinco Exercícios Físicos Chave Para Relaxar o Corpo e a Mente

In a global phase like the one we are going through, our mental health must be put first. Remaining immune to anxiety is a challenge. Therefore, to preserve our physical and mental vitality, Urban Sports recommends five types of physical activity ideal for practicing at home, staying active and safe. To find out, below.


Dancing helps combat stress , especially if we smile at the same time, as the brain releases endorphins when we activate the muscles responsible for smiling. Any type of dance that can increase the feeling of well-being will be a strong ally in reducing anxiety levels. You can always try an online dance class and start the day with the right energy.


A morning or late afternoon walk can be a valuable help to clear your mind on days of confinement. According to experts, walking for half an hour a day brings several benefits to the body and mind, stimulating circulation and improving cardiorespiratory activity. This is also a good tool to combat stress , depression and anxiety.


Yoga exercises relax and balance the body and mind. This activity helps improve mood and create a feeling of well-being. Combined with the relaxation provided by meditation and breathing exercises, yoga positions are known to relieve stress . You can practice this modality when you wake up, in the middle of the day or at the end of a working day, when your body is already more tired. Take advantage of one of Urban Sports ' online classes.


To relieve anxiety and stimulate concentration, Kickboxing is the ideal modality. Practicing this activity can be a valuable help to eliminate tension from the body in a fun way, as it can burn calories while keeping us active and having fun.


In addition to improving posture, Pilates has other benefits for our health in general. One of them is also the reduction of stress on the muscles through a combination of toning and stretching exercises. Its mindfulness component, very similar to that of yoga , allows you to focus all your attention on your body, clearing your mind of all distractions and problems.

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